A Strange Place ~ Chapter 2

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                                                                                    CHAPTER TWO

                                                                                  here we go again
                                                                    i kinda wanna be more than friends

5 7 3 4 5? No. 5 7 4 3 5? No.

"Damn it!" I scream out, so enraged I don't care who hears me. Some people stare for a while but I don't care, I just need to get into my freaking locker.

Moments later, I was tapped on the shoulder, and turned around to see a tall, slender kid with tan skin, dark brown hair and even darker eyes.

introducing LUCA
"I try not to laugh at my own jokes. But we all know i'm hilarious."

"Ya need help with that?" He said holding back a chuckle

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"Ya need help with that?" He said holding back a chuckle.

"Is it that obvious?" I joked

"Girl, this was my locker last year, gave me hell."

I nervously laughed, yet I don't feel as if this guy is someone to be nervous around. He just has a sort of radiating energy, and warm, wide eyes.

"Can I see your locker code?"

"Oh yeah, here" I hand him the thin scrap of paper, and almost instantaneously, my locker door is swinging open.

"Hey, thanks," I said, "So what year are you in?"

"Oh I'm a sophomore in this hell hole."

"Me too!"
"Hey, I never asked your name." I added

"Luca, Luca Kingston, and yours cutie?"

What the hell did he just call me?! I stare at him, disgusted. I really thought he was a good person. Guess not.

He realizes that I didn't respond well to that name.

"Oh girl, don't get me wrong, you're straight up gorgeous and everything, but I'm not about that. Because I'm gay, surprise!" Luca throws his hands onto his cheeks, pretending to act surprised.

Don't be awkward, Rylee. I really want Luca to like me, he seems like best friend material!

"Oh cool! I'm Rylee Harris. Just moved here, from Seattle."

"Well, Rylee from Seattle, I've lived in this town my whole life, and trust me, it's always a fun time."


"We'll that's the bell, here what classes do you have?"

I pull out my crinkled schedule.

"First I have Chemistry."

Luca glances over my shoulder, quickly scanning down my list of classes.

"Aww, we don't have any of the same classes... but we have lunch together at least."

"Gotta blast, or else I'll be late to..." Luca looks at his schedule, "Calculus... ew"

"Well cya at lunch!"

Chemistry Class:

On the way here, guess who got lost again! Geez I am on a roll today! I was almost 5 minutes late. When I open the door to the Chemistry room, I feel all the eyes on me, penetrating through me, judging my hair, my face, my clothes, everything. That's just how high-school goes.

I walk in

"New Student, I'm guessing" the teacher smirked. "Your name?"

"Rylee Harris.."

"I see... take your seat, and don't be late again"

I try to avoid making direct eye contact with any of the other kids

I slowly make my way to the back of the classroom, where there were two empty stools at a lab bench. Guess I'll be sitting alone.

30 minutes pass

This class isn't too bad, I mean, it's only the first day but I think I'm getting all of the material. So far we've been learning about dissecting and all of the different parts of animals.

I find My mind starting to wander onto Luca. Does he like me? Will he ever even talk to me again? He probably has a bunch of other cool friends, why would he choose to hang out with me?

My thoughts are interrupted when someone walks into the class. He walks in, slamming the door behind him, not caring that he was almost 40 minutes late and interrupting the class. His head was down, with a hood up, and he began, almost stomping his way towards me, not even looking up, knowing the pattern of the room in memory.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Mr. Brooks." The teacher almost shouted across the room.

Despite him looking down, I could still see his face. Oh my God, I thought. When he got to where I was sitting he said one word:


This was the kid I was walking with. Somehow he managed to look even more pissed off now, than when I asked him for directions this morning.

I said nothing, and returned his harsh stare right back at him.

He said it again:

"This is my seat, move"

"But there are no other seats left."

He let out an annoyed groan, and plopped his stuff down to the left of me.

"Well now that everyone is FINALLY here,"the teacher announced "say hello to the person you're sitting next to, because you'll be lab partners for the rest of the year"

"You've got to be kidding me.." he murmured, under his breath.

"I heard that you know"

He rolled his eyes, threw his hood up and slept for the remainder of class.

He is impossible, and now he's my partner for the rest of the year? Great.
Word count: 818

Thanks for reading! If you have any constructive criticism or suggestions please comment below! I'll read all of 'em.

-Oak 💙

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