What If?

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Alternate title: Izuku Midoriya vs The Parents

You remember those plans I said I had for the future? Well, those plans would require me to stray away from the original one shot? Majorly? No. They don't effect the original in a big way. But, I also made a change in this chapter that doesn't follow the one shot.

I realized that I don't want to restrict myself. The story will still lead to the one shot, just with some of the past events mentioned differing. The rest will still be the exact same. But, like I said, I shouldn't restrict myself. Especially when I think of a good idea. It's not fair to me, or to you. So, from now on, this story will "Mostly based off of" the one shot. It's not even always some things are altered from the one shot, it's just things that weren't mentioned.

It won't be extremely far off.

Do not worry. I am keeping Katsuki getting kicked in the balls by Kyouka exactly the same way as the one shot described it.

Once again though, I DID make a change in this chapter. It felt far more natural with the timing, and the message behind this chapter fit too perfectly.

By the way, to all of you here on Wattpad. I left a little surprise for you on Chapter 9: Words Hurt Like Hell. It's during the beach scene. I hope you like it, because I have embarrassed myself enough for one lifetime.

(Kyouka’s Room)

“So, what’s the game plan, Deku?”

“I don’t know. They’re your parents, so what do you think they’re gonna do?”

Kyouka hummed to herself, leaning back against her bed. She sat on the floor next to Izuku, ukulele in her hands as she softly strummed the chords. “At this point, we’ll just have to power through it. They’re gonna focus on you at first.”

“They? Not just your dad?”

“There’s no way my mom isn’t in on this. She may like you, but she and my dad are always a team. They know you’ll let your guard down around her. Mom is the trap card.”

Izuku turned his gaze over to the musician, “Didn’t we agree we were blowing a simple dinner out of proportions?”

“Blowing a dinner with my parents out of proportions would be expecting nuclear winter. Realistic expectations for this are a fist fight in the street between you and my dad, because you somehow accidentally let slip what we did in here last night.”

“...So, I’m not blowing it out of proportions enough?

“Exactly. This is gonna be a war, Izuku. You vs them.”

“W-Well, that was all before they knew me. Your dad already accepted me a couple days ago. Wouldn’t this be different?”

Kyouka sighed, “I don’t know. Maybe. But if it’s not about you, then it would be about m-...” The punk’s jacks suddenly perked up, “Wait a minute.” Kyouka got up, walking to her door. She opened it up, looking down the hall to see her mother pull out the small guitar she used to play as a child from the hallway closet. Kyouka nodded, closing the door and turning to Izuku. “Welp, I can already see where this is going. Let’s go.”


The purplette walked over to her window, opening it up and throwing one leg over the ledge. “C’mon, I’m not going through with this. I will not be subject to parental embarrassment like other kids.”

Izuku stood up, turning to Kyouka. “I-I’m sure it won’t be that bad. We can’t just leave.”

“Yes, we can.”

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