One Percent Chance (Part 1)

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A/N: Ah, the midterms. So, this chapter is going to be only the first half of Izuku and Kyouka's test. Next chapter is when we see the other tests. School is starting back up for me soon, so temper expectations on updates. But, I shall do my best.


(Two Days Later: UA Support Studio)

The day of the practical exam had finally arrived. They breezed past the written exams over the last few days. It was the first time in forever that Kyouka felt fully confident about her tests. It was actually kind of satisfying to not second-guess every single answer she put down. It almost made the torturous amounts of studying worth it.


In just over an hour, Izuku and Kyouka would have to report to the front gate with the rest of their class. They would take the bus to the different testing grounds, which made most of the class further support the theory of the test being more robots. Unless the entire class would take turns fighting Mr. Aizawa, it had to be bots.

The operative word was most of the class. Izuku and Kyouka had reason to believe otherwise. All Might had been acting rather smug the last few days, cackling under his breath every time he saw them.

So, in short, they were terrified.

But, at the very least they had a crazy-eyed inventor on their side to supply some support.

"My favorite clients!"

Kyouka smiled at the appearance of their friend as they walked through the Support Studio door. "Hatsume, we're your only personal clients. And that's only because you pestered Power Loader until he said so."

"Something I'm very proud of. Now, we don't have a lot of time. On to the baby!" Mei rushed over to her worktable, grabbing the corner of a red tarp that was covering said "baby" underneath it. Mei yanked on the tarp, throwing her arms out excitedly, "Ta-da!"

Underneath the tarp sat a boombox ripped straight out of the 80s...

Kyouka looked over to Izuku with concern, "We wrote 'hammer' on the paper, right?"

Hearing this, Mei feigned a gasp, "How dare?! The best inventor in Musutafu not living up to expectations? Well, that's true. Because I surpassed them! What you're looking at is the M.H.A BoomBox! The third creation in the 'Supersonic' Series of M.H.A support gear. Already patented, by the way. Don't ask how I managed that."

Kyouka quirked her brow, "MHA?"

"Mei Hatsume & Associates," Mei said, standing proudly. "Always be selling."

"Who're your associates?" Izuku asked.

"All the other inventors who'll be breaking down the door just to work for me."

"Fair enough," Kyouka grunted as she picked up the BoomBox, "Okay, definitely heavier than expected. Good thing I've been working out. Thank you, Izuku. Okay, Hatsume, run me through it."

"Gladly!" Mei pulled out her schematics, pointing at individual parts with a wild look in her eyes. "We headphone inputs on both sides of the box, conducting your quirk straight into the speakers. This baby is made out of carbotanium and insulated with sorbothane. Perfect for packing punches and absorbing vibrations. In its base boombox form, that's when the soundwaves will be the most powerful. But, if you wanna pack a physical punch..."

Mei reached down to the box, setting it down on the ground and pressing the blue button next to the play button. The side speakers extended out from the center panel, folding back until facing outwards. The leather strap coiled into the box, and the handle on the top split, allowing a long metal pole with a leather grip at the end to extend out from the top, reaching to just under Kyouka's shoulder. The handle connected to the grip for support, finishing its transformation.

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