The Almighty Man: Finale

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A/N: Alright, the final part of the blast through the past. Look, I know this stuff isn't everyone's favorite thing, even if you do like these chapters. We've been away from our couple for too long, and don't you worry. The next chapter is Kyouka's Birthday, ENTIRELY dedicated to them, and we'll be back on track and moving on to Summer Camp. Thank you for sticking it out with me. A lot of these All Might chapters will come into play later in the story, both for Toshinori personally and for the story overall.

I've got ideas hatching. It's all a part of the plan, Arthur.

...If you get that I love you.

Check out my Twitter and/or Patreon if you'd like.


Izuku woke up with a start, taking a deep breath as he recognized Kyouka's bedroom ceiling above him.

"I've gotta get used to jumping out of that."

Hearing her boyfriend's voice, Kyouka turned from her position at her piano to see Izuku sit up and throw his feet over the side of her bed. "Evening, Sleepyhead. Any more bad news to share?"

"...So, about tha-"

Kyouka slammed her head onto the piano keys.


(A Few Hours Later: Dagobah Municipal Beach Park)

"...She was a what?"

Izuku's heart immediately dropped at the look on All Might's face. He was dreading breaking the news to him the entire train ride to the beach. Maybe all his time with Kyouka really had given him better training with emotions, because even before he saw the memories, it was obvious that his mentor held strong feelings for Lady Nagant, even to this day.

Telling someone that one of their loved ones is a killer isn't news anybody should have to give.

"I-I don't actually know anything. This is purely a theory, nothing more. I could be, and I hope I am, completely dead wrong. I just so happen to think that Lady Nagant might have assassin."

Izuku didn't know what to do as All Might just dead-stared at him, completely unmoving.

He was just glad Kyouka was there to give the news with him, even if just for support. Although, she didn't find the situation comfortable either. She sat next to him, lips pursed as she stared directly at the sand, doing everything in her power not to look up at All Might.

Toshinori suddenly gave a long exhale, resting his hands on his knees and looking as if he was about to vomit.

"No, no, she...Kaina wasn't...I mean, I guess she did work for-...And there were a lot of...No, I mean..." Toshinori trudged over to the steps and sat down next to his students, staring out at the ocean in silence. Izuku and Kyouka looked at each other in concern, not sure if All Might was taking the news surprisingly well or expectedly bad. "She...Ah, holy shit."

Toshi interlaced his hands, resting his forehead against them. Kyouka quickly got up from her spot on the steps and moved to Toshinori's other side, wrapping him in a hug. Izuku shifted over, putting his mentor in his own one-armed side hug.

They sat like that for a while, the soft waves being the only noise.

Eventually, Kyouka nudged him, "You're the only person besides Izuku and my parents that I've ever hugged, so consider yourself special."

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