One Week

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A/N: Just a bit of a transition chapter.

Next time we start the Internships in full.

Seriously, I'm excited. The stuff I've written for it already should be interesting. Oh, and Izuku and Kyouka's new costumes and gear will be debuted next time.


Toshinori yawned as he stood from his desk in the empty faculty office. The other teachers had already gone to grab lunch while he stayed back to register some last minute drafts for internships. 

With a lull in incoming requests, he figured it was time for a break. Making his way to the door, he opened it up…

...To find Young Jirou marching towards him with a wild look in her eye, and Young Midoriya not too far behind.

Toshinori then casually closed the door, stretching out his arms. "Ah, welp, time to hit the ol' dusty trail." He swiveled around, quickly making his way towards the other exit. 

"Oh no you don't!" The teacher felt something wrap around his stomach and pull him backwards, sliding him back to his original spot. Sighing, Toshinori turned around to accept whatever fate awaited him. 

"...So, how may I help you?" A gold paper was suddenly shoved in his face.

"What the hell is this?!" 

Toshinori lowered Kyouka's hand as he backed up, "Something I thought you would be far happier about."

Kyouka sighed, looking back at the request form in her hand as she shook her head, "Well, I...I don't...I don't know what to think. Isn't this, ya know, kind of a big deal!?"

Izuku untangled Kyouka's jacks from around Toshinori before speaking up, "I have to agree with Kyouka. You haven't taken any internships in years."

Toshinori shrugged, sitting down on the desk behind him, "That was due to the obvious," he said, gesturing down at his skinny body. "But, Young Jirou here knows about me, so there's nothing to worry about there."

"What about favoritism? Kyouka asked. "You already have Mr. Aizawa breathing down your neck because of Izuku, but now you single out a student for your internship, which you have never done before."

Toshinori nodded, "True, however, everyone knows if I sent out multiple requests I'd be stuck with a bunch of students. Picking one lucky kid to be my intern isn't that far fetched."

Kyouka crossed her arms, leaning back on her hip, "Okay, then how about this? Let's see, who should All Might pick to have an internship with? Hm, let's see, what about HIM!!!" Kyouka punctuated her sarcasm with both arms thrusting towards Izuku. "The one you're actually supposed to be teaching!"

"Voices down, please," Toshinori whispered with urgency, hoping no one had heard from outside the door. "If Young Midoriya wants to join I'm more than happy to send out another request. But, honestly, I didn't think he'd want to."

"..." Kyouka looked at him with the most "Are you stupid?" face Toshinori had ever seen. Even Izuku furrowed his brow in confusion. 

"Okay, that sounded far stupider than I intended. That's not what I meant. I mean, he's been working under me for over a year now. I figured this was his chance to study under other heroes, be taught things I can't teach him, go to places he's never been before, really branch out."

Mulling it over, Izuku realized All Might had a point. His hero journals were all about learning from every hero he could analyze, so this was the same. He had All Might as a mentor, and that wasn't going to change anytime soon. The internships were his only opportunity to gain experience with other pros.

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