Round One

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A/N: Okay, so I actually wasn't supposed to write this. I was supposed to be finishing the next chapter of Thank You, and I had every intention to do so.

...But then school decided, "Hey, I'm gonna kick your ass."

It's not that I'm failing or anything. It's just that my teachers threw everything at me all at once. My free time was basically zero.

But, I wanted to get something out. And this story is actually outlined and prepped for the entire festival because I had prepared it beforehand, which makes writing it much faster. Therefore I can actually get it done in the little time I had, and honestly still have. This weekend is going to be a doozy as well. So either I got this out, or nothing at all.

Yeah, I opted for this.

So to all you TY fans, don't worry. The next chapter already has a good portion written. I'm trying my best here.

Oh, and to all readers on AO3, I FINALLY figured out how to post images on that site. So, you all can now see the drawings and such I've done for this story. For instance, the chapters "Mental Blocks" and "Words Hurt Like Hell" both now have drawings done by yours truly.

And, in TY, "The Raid (Part 2)" now has Wolverine Momo in it for your viewing pleasure. I really hope you enjoy it.

Wattpad readers, you've already seen all of this because you're spoiled.

FFN readers... petition for the site runners to update their outdated site to include pictures. Until then, sorry.

"...Am I going to have to spoon-feed you?"

Izuku looked over from his untouched food, a wobbly smile adorning his features. "At this point, you might."

Under the table, Kyouka took his hand in her's. "You'll be fine. It's not like they can kill you."

"That's not comforting."

Across from them, Ochako bounced in her seat. "You've beaten Todoroki in every event, Midoriya. I'm sure you'll do great. And if it makes you feel any better, I'm nervous, too."

"A-A fight is far different from a race and cavalry battle, but thanks."

Tenya smiled, too. "Maybe you and I will be up against each other, Midoriya."

Kyouka shook her head, "Are you trying to give him a heart attack?"

"Everyone!" Present Mic came in over the intercom. "Please be back on the field in the next ten minutes where we will be showing the full roster for the final event: The Tournament!" 

Izuku sighed, “No, but that might give me one.” They all stood up, throwing away any leftover food they had and heading back outside. Izuku suddenly felt something slip into hand, finding a small bread roll there. 

Kyouka placed a hand on his shoulder as they walked, “At least eat this. Now calm down, everything’s gonna be fine. You’ve done more than enough to prove yourself. The message has been sent.”

Izuku smiled in appreciation, his nerves somewhat eased. But, he knew deep down that if he lost now without facing Katsuki head on, he wouldn’t be satisfied. Nothing would change. He needed to know what would happen in a real fight with him.

And that didn’t even include whatever he would have to do if he fought Todoroki. 

The only thing Izuku had to calm his mind, or at least switch his focus on the fight from fear to analyzation, was that Izuku now firmly believed Katsuki was scared the greenette might actually win. Desperation oozed from Katsuki even if no one else could see it, but Izuku knew. Taking a bite from his roll, they stepped back out onto the field and gathered around with the rest of the students in front of the large screen. 

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