Into the Forest

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I woke up the next morning. I was still sore, but it wasn't as bad. Madame Pomfrey walked over to me. She scanned me again.

"You can go. No quidditch for the next few weeks though" she said. I nodded. I got up and changed back into my quidditch clothes. I slowly walked out of the hospital wing. Bill was walking towards the hospital wing.

"Look whose up" he said.

"Yeah. Moving slowly but up" I said. "Can't play quidditch for a few weeks though."

"Hey, the most important thing is that you're okay" he said. I nodded. Dumbledore walked by the hospital wing.

"There's an emergency meeting in the Great Hall. Go change into your uniforms and head there" Dumbledore said. I went down to the Slytherin common room. The quidditch captain walked up to me.

"I know I know I didn't..." I said. He put his hand up.

"You played brilliantly. Not your fault you got injured. How long did Pomfrey say you were out for?" he asked.

"She said the next few weeks" I said. He nodded.

"No worries. Your spot will be waiting for you" he said. I changed into my school uniform and went to the Great Hall with the other Slytherins. Dumbledore stepped up to the podium.

"Good morning students. We are having an issue with students sleep walking into the Forbidden Forest and getting attacked by the creatures in there." Dumbledore said. I looked over at Bill. We knew it had to do with the vault in the forest. "We will be putting guards along the grounds to make sure no one walks into the forest. I urge you all to be careful and stay alert." Dumbledore dismissed us. I caught up with Bill and the others.

"We have to get into the forest and defeat the vault" Peyton said. "Tonight."

"How? Dumbledore said there's going to be guards around the grounds" Charlie said.

"We have to fly in" I said.

"No. The rest of us will fly in. You're still hurt. You're gonna have to sit this one out" Bill said.

"Absolutely not" I said. Bill looked like he was going to say something, but Peyton stopped him.

"Never argue with a woman Bill" she said. I laughed.

"Fine. But I'm flying you in." Bill said. I nodded. We waited until it was getting dark. We went to the astronomy tower. We quietly flew into the forest. We landed and looked around. We followed the map that we found. We walked to where the circle was. There was an acromantula guarding the vault. We all took a step back.

"Charlie you're the best with creatures. What do we do?" I asked.

"Brave Hogwarts students, coming into the forest to enter the vault. Sadly this will be the end of your young lives" the acromantula said in a deep voice. "And one of you is weakened already. Easier to kill." Bill looked at me. Before we could say anything the acromantula flung webs at me, Charlie, the Slytherin boy, and the centaur we convinced to help us. The web knocked me to the ground on my bad side.

"Let them go!" Bill yelled.

"And deny myself the snacks. A Weasley, well there's enough of you to go around, a Slytherin who no one will miss, and the daughter of Remus Lupin." The acromantula said. Before he could say anything else Bill started throwing spells at it. Peyton began freeing those of us in the webs once Charlie and I were free he helped pull me to my feet. We all started throwing stunning spells at the acromantula. It flung webs at all of us but Peyton. We were all trapped.

"Peyton you can do it. You can defeat it" I said. She started dueling it. The rest of us were trying to break out of the webs. Every time we moved the webs would get tighter.

"Stop struggling. You don't want it to hurt your side more" Bill said. I nodded. Peyton defeated the acromantula. She freed all of us from the webs. Bill helped me up. We got the door to the vault open and went inside. Peyton tried to open the column but it wasn't working. We heard a voice come through the room. To most of us it sounded like a whisper but Peyton heard her brothers voice. Once she got the instructions from her brother we left the vault. There were a ton of acromantula around the outside of the vault.

"This is bad" Charlie said.

"Ya think?" Bill said.

"We have to run" Peyton said.

"Bill you carry Chrissy. I'll cover you" Charlie said. I jumped on Bill's back. Charlie used a spell to knock some of the acromatula out of the way. Bill started running. We got to the place where we left our brooms. We flew back to Hogwarts. We snuck back into the castle. Bill looked at the guy from Slytherin.

"Get her back to the common room and make sure she lays down" he said.

"I will" he said. He threw my arm over his shoulder and helped me back to the common room. I got myself up to my bed and laid down. I fell asleep pretty quickly.

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