The plan unfolds

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The first week of classes went well. Before I knew it was the weekend. I pulled on a pair of jeans, a dark green v-neck shirt, a black leather jacket, and a pair of black knee-high boots. I used a spell to curl my hair and put some light make up on. I grabbed my leather messenger bag and put my potions books in it. I walked out of the common room and to the library. As I was walking I saw Penny.

"Where are you off to?" she asked. "The lake is the other way."

"I'm actually going to the library. Charlie knows" I said.

"Why the library?" she asked.

"Meeting Bill there to help him with something" I said. She raised an eyebrow.

"That's why you look extra pretty" she said.

"Shut up" I said. We both laughed and I walked to the library. Bill was outside waiting for me.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey beautiful" he said. "Ready to do this?" I nodded. We walked in the library. Bill got us a table. I walked over to the potions section of the library. I grabbed the book we needed. I sat next to him at the table.

"So, what's your plan?" he whispered. I flipped to a page.

"This" I whispered.

"Sleeping draught?" he said looking at the formula.

"We give this to her I can grab the key and give it to you" I said. "Do you think we can brew it?"

"We?" he asked.

"Well, I mean I'd be glad to help if you want me to" I said.

"I'd love your help. But are you down to break a few rules?" he asked. I nodded. "I knew I liked you." I smiled.

"You think we can manage to get the ingredients" I asked. He nodded.

"Leave that to me" he said.

"I don't want you to get in trouble" I said.

"Don't worry I won't" he said. We sat for a few more hours. Going over plans and how we were going to do this. Charlie walked into the library. As soon as he saw me with Bill he walked out.

"Shit" I whispered. I grabbed my stuff and ran after Charlie. I left the library and ran down the corridor. I saw him walking. "Charlie!" He stopped when he heard me and waited.

"You know I thought when you canceled our normal study plans that we've been doing for 3 years it was for something important. Not being another girl whose throwing herself at my brother" Charlie said.

"I'm not throwing myself at him. He was just helping me with something." I said. "I'm rubbish at potions. He's not so I asked for his help" I said.

"Why didn't you ask me?" Charlie asked.

"I was embarrassed you only know me as smart. I didn't want you to think I was bad at something" I said. He nodded.

"I'm sorry. I'm just used to girls using me to get to my brother" he said.

"Charlie you're my best friend. I would never do that. No matter who or if I end up dating someone they won't get in between the two of us. Deal?" I said. He smiled.

"Deal" he said. He gave me a quick fist bump. "Hey if you do start liking Bill. Can you warn me first?"

"I will" I said. I walked back to the library. Bill was still at the table.

"He okay?" Bill asked.

"Yeah he's fine" I said. "He was just mad thinking that was another girl using him to get to you."

"I'll talk to him later" Bill said. "So where are we going to brew this?"

"The 2nd floor girls lavatory." I said.

"Right cause no one goes in there" Bill said. That bathroom was haunted by a ghost called Moaning Mrytle. She was killed in that bathroom and stayed in it and annoyed everyone who came in. She never left the bathroom like other ghosts. She also didn't blurt secrets out like Peeves would.

"Alright so when do you think you'll have the supplies?" I asked.

"Give me the rest of today. If I can't get the stuff I'll send you an owl and we'll meet tomorrow" he said. I nodded. He stood up. "Well then I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow" I said.

"By the way. I like your hair curled. It looks really pretty" he said. I smiled. Once he had been gone for a while I ran out of the library and off to find Penny. She usually spent her Saturdays with Charlie by the lake. I ran there to see if she was still there. I saw her skipping stones into the lake. She was alone. I ran up to her.

"How was your study date?" she asked.

"I need to talk to you" I said.

"You like him don't you?" she said. "For more than just his looks now?"

"I do. I can't describe it but we really connect" I said. She laughed.

"Charlie is going to lose it" Penny said.

"I know he came in the library and saw us together" I said.

"Oh, he was probably pissed." She said.

"I told him that Bill was just helping me study because I wasn't good at potions" I said.

"Nice cover" she said.

"Help me. I don't know what to do" I said.

"Get to know Bill. Find out if there's something worth telling Charlie or not" Penny said. I nodded. "Although I can tell you like him. You usually never let your guard down around guys like this." I went back to the Slytherin common room. One of my friends handed me a letter. I opened it. It was from Bill.

"Got the stuff. Meet you tomorrow at 10am. After breakfast." It read. I smiled. I sat on the couch in the common room. I opened my potions book and started reading. Before I knew it, it was dinner time. Normally Charlie, Penny, and I would sit together. Unless it was for an official school event. Mostly the sorting ceremony, welcoming guests, or the final dinner of the year. The school didn't care who sat together. I walked to the Great Hall. I saw Charlie and Penny at a table. I went and sat across from them. Before we could say anything, Bill came walking up and sat next to me. Charlie looked a little annoyed. We all ate a very awkward dinner. Once we were done we all went back to our common rooms and went to sleep. 

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