The Holiday Continues

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"Uh dad I think I saw some gnomes in the garden when we were flying over." Bill said. Arthur looked confused. Bill gave him a look that said just follow me.

"Let's me and you go clear them then and Chrissy can stay and talk with Lupin. Since we're the only ones awake" Arthur said.

"It's nice to meet you" Lupin said.

"You as well" I said.

"Might sound a little strange coming from a stranger. But I have something I think you deserve to know" Lupin said.

"I know" I said. He looked at me confused. I pulled out the journal Bill found and handed it to him.

"How...?" he asked.

"Bill found it" I said.

"Look I'm sorry. I didn't want to leave you with them. But it's what was best for your safety" Lupin said.

"I trust you." I said. "I mean I don't know you well but you don't seem like the type that would just abandon their own flesh and blood unless it was for something really important." Lupin smiled.

"So, is this flying home at the crack of dawn with a boy a normal thing for you?" He asked. I laughed.

"No not at all" I said.

"Sort of glad to know that" Lupin said.

"Hey this might sound weird but I have to go change before Charlie wakes up and gets curious about the dress" I said.

"No worries. We'll talk more later" he said. I quietly snuck up stairs and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I laid in the bed and digested everything that happened over the last few hours. I knew I had fallen hard for Bill, he made it easy to fall. I was wishing Penny was here. Their sister was too young to talk to at the moment, their mom would be good to talk to but I'm sure it would be a little awkward for her. I laid on my bed. Charlie walked by.

"What's up with you?" he asked.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked. He nodded and walked in. "What's up? You know you can tell me anything."

"Charlie you know you're my best friend and I love you" I said.

"I love you too" he said.

"You know how you told me to let you know if I started to..." I started to say but stopped out of fear.

"If you started to what?" he asked confused then it clicked. "If you started to like Bill?"

"Yeah" I said. "Look I don't want you to be mad but I do. I really do."

"Has anything happened between you two yet?" Charlie asked.

"No" I lied. "But I just wanted you to know that I liked him." Charlie nodded.

"Thank you for telling me. Be careful with him" Charlie said.

"Also. Bill gave me this" I said pulling out the journal.

"Oh yeah he always like going through that old stuff. Whose is that one?" Charlie asked.

"Lupin's" I said.

"Why'd Bill give it to you?" Charlie asked. I flipped to the page where Lupin wrote about me and handed it to him.

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