Back to Hogwarts Drama

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The rest of the holiday break went quick. Before we knew it we had to go back to school. I had my stuff packed up. We got our stuff together. We all got into the car and drove to Kings Cross. It was still early. Once we were at the station we said bye to their parents and went to the platform. I had on a pair of tight-fitting black jeans with rips at the knees, the sweater Mrs. Weasley gave me, and Bill's old leather jacket which I had adopted at this point. I had a pair of black boots on. Bill had on his sweater, his other leather jacket, a pair of ripped tight-fitting jeans, and a pair of boots. Charlie had on his quidditch sweater, a pair of jeans, an olive-colored jacket, and a pair of brown boots. Charlie went off to go talk to his Quidditch friends. Bill had to go talk to one of his other friends. I ran off to find Penny. She was standing looking for us.

"You okay? What's with the face?" she asked.

"I have so much to tell you" I said.

"Really usually your breaks are boring cause you're with your family" she said.

"Well, I spent the holiday with the Weasley's" I said.

"Oh boy. What happened between you and Bill?" she asked.

"So, the first night I was there he told me to put a dress on, luckily I had one, and he gave me his old leather jacket" I said.

"Which you still have" she said laughing. "Continue."

"Anyway, we flew to this little cottage on a beach and we talked and hung out and everything and he kissed me." I said.

"You guys kissed?" she asked.

"Yeah...multiple times" I said. She smiled.

"Wow...many of actually got him" she said. I smiled.

"Also, my parents aren't my parents" I said. She looked at me confused.

"What?" she asked.

"You know how when he-who-shall-not-be-named killed Lilly and James Potter they took Harry Potter and moved him in with his aunt and uncle?" I asked.

"Yes" she said.

"Well apparently that's my life too. Except my father is still alive. He's the one that dropped me off there" I said.

"Wow. You had quite the break" she said. I nodded. We got on the train and found a compartment. Bill and Charlie joined us. Bill sat next to me. Charlie fell asleep pretty early into the trip. I laid my head on Bill's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. Penny smiled at us.

"You two are really cute together" she whispered. Bill smiled. "Get some sleep. I'll wake you two up when he starts to wake up."

"Thanks Penny" Bill whispered. I closed my eyes. I slept for most of the journey. When we were about an hour from the castle Penny threw something at us. Bill and I both woke up. We separated before Charlie woke up. Once we were at the castle we all ran to our common rooms and changed into our uniforms and ran to the Great Hall for the welcome back feast. Merula was there holding court with her cohorts about the cursed vaults. Once the feast was over I went back to the common room and laid in bed. I thought about Bill a lot. I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up early the next morning. I put my uniform on. I grabbed a quick breakfast and ran off to potions class. Slytherin and Gryffindor had it together. Snape had a potion out. I knew what it was the second I saw it. I knew he was going to pick out people for the class.

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