The Last Vault

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I woke up the next morning. I felt a little better than the previous day. I got up, showered, curled my hair, put some make up on, and got dressed. I went off to the Great Hall for breakfast. Bill and Charlie were waiting for me.

"Morning" they said. Bill went to kiss me then stopped.

"Is it okay if I do this or would you rather I not?" Bill asked Charlie. Charlie laughed.

"Go ahead" he said. Bill smiled and kissed me. We all walked in to get breakfast. We sat at a table. Peyton and the others walked up to us.

"So guys there's one more vault. I'm pretty sure my brother is in it" Peyton said.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"I've been going over the maps and it there's a mark here" she said, showing me the map. It was in Hogsmeade. I poured myself some more coffee.

"God your coffee addiction keeps getting worse" Charlie said.

"Blame your brother. Every time I turn around he has a cup for me" I said.

"Coffee is good" Bill said. I laughed. A woman walked into the Great Hall. She walked over to us and stopped.

"Weasley, Weasley, Scott, O'connor, and James?" she asked.

"Depends. Whose asking?" I asked. She looked at me.

"Patricia Rakepick. Dumbledore hired me to help with the cursed vaults. Only to find out most have been defeated. A classmate pointed me to you guys" she said.

"We can neither confirm nor deny that we're involved" Charlie said.

"Oh I know you guys are. I want to help you with the last one. I've been in it before. I know how to get into it" she said. "I just need the help of you guys." I looked at Bill he shrugged.

"How do we know we can trust you?" I asked.

"Meet me on the training grounds tonight. I'll convince you guys" she said. She walked away. I quickly scribbled a letter to Lupin asking if he's ever heard of her before. I gave it to Orion and let him fly off.

"What in the bloody hell was that?" Charlie said. We all shrugged. As we were eating an owl dropped a letter in front of Bill. He looked at the letter and his eyes widened.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's from Gringotts. I applied for a curse breaker position" he said.

"Well open it" I said. He looked nervous. He cracked open the wax seal and opened the letter. He silently read the letter.

"Well?" Charlie asked.

"I got it. But I don't know if I'm going to take it" Bill said. Before we could ask why he got up and left the Great Hall. I followed him. I caught up to him and grabbed his hand.

"Hey. What's going on? Why don't you want to take the job?" I asked.

"It's in Egypt" he said.

"Bill that's amazing. Do you know how many curses and cursed objects are there. They must be impressed by you. Why would you turn that down?" I asked.

"It's too far away. From my family, my friends, from you" he said. I put my hand on the side of his face.

"Remember what you said to me when I was worried about you graduating?" I asked. He looked at me a bit confused. "We'll figure it out. Bill you have to take this job." He smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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