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My lips thinned into a grimace as I glared at Alix. What did you think would happen? I scolded myself, you brought up parents not him. Relaxing a little bit I looked away, "no. Never had a family. No one wanted to adopt me." I say low.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." Alix apologized, his eyes growing wide.

I snorted, "me too. But it's in the past." I put on the smile I taught myself when someone brought up parents.

I was strong, I didn't need anyone. I did pretty damn good on my own.

"What about your parents?" I ask.

Alix seemed to analyze the question like it was a matter of life and death. "Me and Ian are brothers in a sense. Not by blood." Alix said.

I stared at him, "you mean your parents remarried?"

He nodded a faint smile tugging at his lips, "you can say that."

"Don't be so cryptic. I get my daily dose of mystery from television." I joked. Alix chuckled a little at my lame attempt to lighten the mood.

Ian walked in, "what are you guys laughing at?"

I look at Ian, his cell phone loose in his left hand. I smiled shrugging, not really wanting to repeat the dialogue. I looked at a grinning Alix who understood what I meant and grinned even harder at his brother's confused facial expression.

Desert came out and we continued our light conversation, this time about the two brothers.

"Alix tells me his parents remarried into your family?" I ask, sipping a little of the wine from my glass.

Alix looks at Ian and shrugs. Ian seems unaffected and smiles, "something like that. His father married my mother a few years ago." He stopped, and I was sure he wanted to say more but decided not to.

I wanted to know more, but it was best not to pry. Alix looked a little guilty. I wonder if there's a secret.

"Vincent?" Ian calls out to the older man across the room.

The old man sauntered over slowly, "yes sir?"

"Can you bring Miss Reina out? I'd like her to meet Miss Summer before she retires for the night."

The butler nodded and headed into the kitchen. My eyes went wide, should I tell him?

"I actually met her a little while ago." I blurt out before the butler opened the kitchen doors. I didn't know if helping their chef would get Reina fired.

"Have you now?" Ian asked.

I nod, "I went exploring and found myself in the kitchen. Miss Reina was very polite." Ian arched an eyebrow, "still I'd like to thank her for dinner."

It was my turn to arch my eyebrows in surprise. The old butler's footsteps were heard shuffling into the giant kitchen then returned with hurried steps. I didn't turn to face her, too scared to give her a signal; but figured she would know not to say anything.

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