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I was on the last connecting flight, what I wanted to take with me was in the cargo part of the plane. I was scared to be quite honest, I never knew anything except for the life in New York. I sighed heavily as I glanced out the window to my right, the Earth seemed so small from this view. The grass and fields different shades of green, the animals and humans seeming nothing smaller than a dot and the buildings looked like shapes you'd see on a math test.

Everything was alien to me, even the plane I was currently on seemed weird and unfamiliar. I looked away to find a stewardess, I needed a drink before I met Mr. Dublin. I read what I could last night and this morning before getting on the planes. I found out he has two siblings who are waiting to take over the empire their mother built. Although they never released their names on the sight, I had a pretty good idea their "waiting" was impatience. The company itself was worth over 65 trillion dollars because of the constant need to create logos and websites. I didn't know how much these things cost individually, but I could guess. Mr. Dublin worked here since he was twenty-five, and he would have to be thirty-six now.

The website showed no pictures of the man or family, just the building's logo that his mother created back in 2001.

I spotted the stewardess and waved my hand.

She walked over, "we have a button so you don't have to wait." She politely stated, pointing at a button over my head.

I looked up, automatically wanting to kick myself. "Sorry, this is my first time flying." I apologized looking at the ground.

I didn't know the floor was carpeted a stale yellow. Gross.

"It's fine. What can I get you?" She asked laughing a little at my flying inexperience.

"Can I have a rum and coke?"

She smiled and nodded, heading back to the kitchen, I guess.

I waited while she mixed my drinks, feeling a little bit better about the promotion. I loved the bonus I received before leaving, I just didn't like the fact of moving somewhere so foreign.

"Here you go, ma'am. Is there anything else I can help you with?" She asked, her voice shockingly sweet.

I shook my head, grabbing the glass, "no, that's it. Thank you."

She nodded, walking to someone's call.

I sipped it, finding the liquid soothing as it filled my veins and stomach. After the first few sips, I downed the small glass, and waited for the plane to land.


It was a while after I finished my drink that we landed. I waited by the baggage claim not really looking at anyone. I was tired from the trip, I should have slept, but I didn't. Luckily I can sleep today, wherever it may be.

At this point, I would sleep under a potato farm. It did not matter, I was so tired.

I claimed my bags, or what I decided to keep. My black and white bags held nothing but identity, clothes, make up, hair things, shoes and my work. 

Everything else can be replaced. I don't need a couch or television. My cell phone was in my pocket and my computer was old, so buying a new one would be my gift for myself.

I grabbed the three bags and walked to the doors. Outside the weather seemed cold, but when the door opened, it was quite warm. Relishing in the warm air, I unzipped my parka and headed to the car rental place.

"Ms. Michaels!" A voice called out. I stopped, looking around for the source of the voice.

An older man about fifty was waving a sign with my name on it. Well, that's more money for the computer and a place to stay. I thought, walking over to the man.

"How 'as your flight?" He asked, his accent thick and sexy.
Oh, my God. You didn't just think that. I mentally kicked myself. "It was fine. First time ever on a plane, wonderful experience." I mentally kicked myself again, this time for rambling.

"Ha, first time for 'verythin'." He chortled.

He took the bags after tucking the sign under his arm, "is this 'verything?"

I gave him a quick nod.

He smiled as he closed the truck of what seemed to be a Crown Vic. He opened the door and I stepped in, my body begging to sleep off the trip.

I wanted to, but I didn't know this man from Adam.

The man jogged to the driver side, threw his sign on the passenger seat and spoke, "my name is Daniel York."

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