Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Bayville USA
It was your typical Friday afternoon at bayville high the had wrung for the last period and the students were getting settled into class. As professor McKoy walked into the science classroom there was chatter about what was happening in Alberta Canada as the Provence is battling major forest fires similar to what happens in california but worse. The professor decided to wait and here what the class was talking about he overheard a couple of students say that the Ontario volunteer search and rescue association was sending some of their best and it was all over the news. Another student agreed and said I was watching it and they apparently have a 16 year old on the team and the news was saying how he has a very accomplished track record of forest rescue. They also mention he was only 10 when he started volunteering for them. This caught the professor's attention and so professor mckoy says "alright listen up class is going to be a little different I was planning on making today a study/catch up period but I'm thing that I might put on the news about what going on up in Alberta while that is on you can finish up any work that you still owe me". The class agrees and so the professor puts on global news which is covering the events in Alberta 24 hours. After a few minutes the class all looks up when they hear a report say " it looks like one of the rescues that people are calling wolf or hunter has showed up let's go ask him a few questions" the class then see's a guy in fire gear with a wolf on his helmet and right arm pushing a stretcher with what looks like a 10 year old girl on it who has burns on her arms. The next thing the class hears is the man say " get the fuck out of the god damn way right now, I don't have time to deal with you bs this girl needs help and your interfering with her getting the medical attention she needs if you don't move I'm going to break your fucking camras of someone's head". The reported got the message and backed away as he enters a medical tent and disappear. The period was uneventful after that the reports asked some of the other people questions and 2 members of the Canadian armed forces sar unit told the reportes that they have know the man called wolf for years and when it comes to saving someone life and helping others he will do whatever it takes and then you interfere with him doing so you have what happened today when he cussed you out.

Inside of a medical tent a team of doctors comes and gets the stretcher from the man with the wolf on his helmet. The doctor says I see you have found another one wolf. "Yeah I found her in a wood shed it collapsed on top of her and later she wouldn't have made it thise fuckjng Voltures for reports out their didn't help much either some of them got in my way as I tried to get her into the tent" the man says as he takes off his mask to whip off some sweat " I'll see u later doc I need to go get some food and a drink I'm heading out the back" "yeah no problem wolf stay safe and good luck" says the doctor. After having some water and getting some food from the chow line wolf goes back out to search for any for missing or injured people as well as helping the firefighters clear tree Lines to try and so down the fire " hey wolf thanks again for the help with cutting down those trees the claws of your are really help full we owe you big time" says the fire captain as he shakes his hand " "no problem anything to help" says wolf

Bayville USA
Xavier institute for gifted youngster
I was using Ceribo trying to find magneto when I video showed a mutant using what looked like claws that wolverines had to help fight a forest fire as well as search for missing people in the fire. Stopping the search for magneto I focused on him and learnt that he has multiple different mutations most similar to wolverines and can also teleport. How interesting it looks like he already has some control over his power.
Time skip 2 hours
Charles sent a message using to telepathy saying "Can all men please meet me on the kitchen " after 5 minutes everyone was their and they asked what's up "hello everyone I called you hear because a few hours ago I discovered a new mutant that seems to have some control over his abilities already and I think he might be a valuable member of this team, I have spent the last few hours gathering information on him he is currently fighting forest fires in Alberta and was recently on the news this afternoon when he threatened a bunch of reporters for getting in his way while he was moving a injured 10 year old girl to get medical attention. From what I can gather he is 16 years old, I want to send Logan, storm, Jean, Scott to meet him and offer him a place here. From what I can gather I don't think he would join the brotherhood since he wants to help others and not hurt them I also do think he will come with the fires going on which is why storm will be going to help combat them and Logan to aid in tracking." Say Charles every one looks at him and nods scot ask what his name is and checks replayed with it is Clayton he goes by wolf or hunter to I also want you and Jean to help where you can. The four pack they stuff and head off in their jet. After about 3 hours of flying they land near the camp and cloak their plane they walk into the camp were wolf is and Logan gets familiar scent he tells everyone to follow him after 5 minutes Logan finds the man responsible for the sent a volunteer form Ontario who Logan fought with in the Korean War this man turns and sees his old Comrad Logan is that you the man says. Logan replaces yea it's me bud as he walk and bro hugs the man, everyone looking confused. " Jean,Scott, storm this is rob he's an old army buddy of mine" says Logan. "It's nice to meet you all, hey Logan am I correct to say you are here for Clayton" says rob everyone looks at him shocked and Logan asked how do you know about him this gets a laugh from rob and he says I know about him because he's my grandson now let me tell you all right now if you want him to listen are go with you, your gonna have to wait until this fires out. Storm useing her powered summons a massive rainstorm that starts to put out the fire that has been raging for over 2 weeks and everyone is cheering. Logan asks rob what can they do and rob replays with follow me he then explains that Clayton is setting up his last search and rescue party if you want to help join him. While they are walking rob explains that Clayton also goes by the nickname of wolf or hunter when he is working, as the group of people reach claytons locations rob says some final things " before I call him over let me say a few things firstly just a heads up Clayton has had little to no sleep the past 2 days so don't piss him off his temper rivals yours Logan which after this is done we all can sit down and chat about why your here theirs some stuff you should know about his past Logan, secondly your advanced senses will be useful Logan there's a chance he will stick you with your own team because if it and here we are. Hey wolf come here there's some people your need to meet" wolf looks over and start to head their direction he ask who they are and rob says they came to help and talk to you also the man with sideburns has ability's close to yours so stick him with his own team explains rob. After that meeting they head out in search for survivors

Time skip brought to you by it being 3:20 am and me being lazy

Once the search and rescue party's all return with the survivors. Rob wolf and everyone that came with Logan head toward an empty tent that rob uses to coordinate. Logan and the others tell wolf their offer to come with them. After Logan's group stops talking rob cuts in and says Clayton your should take this offer for a few reasons first off their will be someone who has gone through the same hell as you second off it might do you some good to be around more if your kind and lastly remember the story's of told your about me and your old man during the Korean War. Clayton looks at him and says yea I remember the story's what does that have to do with anything. Rob says " remember when I said your mother never told your father about you for both of your safety well let me introduce your to your biological father james Logan howlett. Logan meet Clayton James howlet Alyssa thought I would be safe for both of you if she didn't tell you I don't agree but I respected her wishes''. Everyone was stunned for a minute at this revolution but were drawn back to reality when they heard Clayton say fuck it ok I'll go with them and I prefer to be called clay if it's ok with you. After a few minutes everything was agreed on Clayton would go with them to his home, grab some of his stuff and then head to his new home in bayville before everyone left Clayton speaks up and says there's some stuff your should know. Clayton briefly explains when he was 4 the weapon x program killed his mom and abducted him they grafted the metal hybrid to his bones and gave him the power to teleport. He also Mentioned how he uses knives to help focus the teleportation ability to be more pinpoint. Clay ended the story by mentioning how Canadian special forces killed everyone responsible in retaliation for abducting a Canadian citizen and blowing the place to hell.
Clay boards their plane to go home and get his things. He grabs normal clothes, his favourite sweaters and hats and his search and rescue appearal. Clay also get them to load his truck into the plane after he tells his boss at the OSARVA what is happening they say good bye and leave for bayville while on their flight clay gets some much needed sleep while in the plane.

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