Chapter 7

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An sorry for the long update I'm a college student and so I've been busy.

Time skip 24 hours later

Clayton pov:

I woke up around 7:00 am and I got dressed and brushed my teeth I then decided to head down to the kitchen for breakfast with everyone else.

I arrived in the kitchen to find scot,Jean,even, my old man, the professor,storm, I also notice 2 others one looks like a blue ape and another is a girl with pale looking skin and the front of her hair white with the rest brunette. They notice me walking into the room and look at me I stare at them back before they say anything I open my mouth

Me: hey scot who's the other blue furball and the goth looking girl

Unknown girl: who might you be and who do you think your calling furball and goth

Me: well no offence u look gothic and the other guys furry I'm also a smart as with a mouth so yea

Scot: clay stop trying to pick a fight that's rouge and professor mckoy rouge has been out for awhile and mckoy comes and goes he's a teacher at bayville high

Me: gotcha well nice to meet u I'm Clayton but call me clay * reaches for a hand shake and shakes mckoys hand*

Rouge: sorry but I'm not shaking ur hand my mutation will have me absorbe ur memory's and so I can't have any physical contact becuase I also get ur memory's and I can kill by doing it

Me: gotcha

Scot: so clay what's your plan for the day

Me: well I'm heading to the hospital for a few reasons one is to fill out a statement to the cops becuase they wanna know why I think the buss was run off the cliff and second give kitty ride home after that idk woke on my truck maybe.

Scot: ok nice

After we finish eating and I get to know mckoy and rouge the others head to school while I had to the hospital

After a 15 minute drive I arrive to the hospital park my truck. I enter the hospital and head to room 309 on the third floor. I notice 2 cops in the room when I enter and I recognize one as officer smith who turns and looks at me

Officer smith: Clayton what are you doing here

Me: hey officer smith I'm hear to give kitty a ride home when she's released I just moved here form Canada and I'm staying at the xvavier institute with kitty and some others

Officer smith: ok cool I'm glad you hear you said you think they were run off the road why do you think that

I tell smith and his partner who identified himself as detective Ryan why I Think that. I told them I noticed 2 pairs of skid marks on the road from 2 spectate vehicles and when I saw the buss the rear passenger side had damage not caused by the fall and red pain chips on it the bus was a white couch bus and no red anywhere. Kitty tells them she remembers seeing a red pick up briefly before the crash. The cops leave shortly after

Kitty: so clay why you hear

Me: the docs say you should be released today no later then noon so I came to pick you up

Kitty: oh so does that mean scots, Jean,storm or Logan are with you

Me: nope just me I have my driver license so I can drive in my own with some restrictions on a few months I gotta go back up to Canada for my drivers ready to get my full g but dmv said it's fine if I drive with my g2 down here

Kitty: oh ok cool

Me: so wanna tell me what the fuck happened

Kitty then explains to me everything that happened and how one of her classmates was impaled and how she wanted to bring her with the others.

Me:kitty I know about the classmate. I found her it wouldn't have done anyone any good if you brought her and on the bright side it was a quick death. I like to a valid any loss of life as much as I can and I hate to say it but she didn't suffer that's the only good part

Kitty: I guess your right

After about 30 minutes a doctor comes in with a wheelchair and her release forms

I notice she's a bit upset still and so I start to tease and joke around with her and her mood starts to cheer up. Once we leave the hospital I help kitty into my truck and throw the wheel chair in the back and I ask her if she's hungry and she says yes. I give her the option on what to eat and she chooses Denny after 15 minutes we arrive to sunny side grill

I ordered 3 pieces of French toast with bacon and 2 eggs while kitty got a pancake combo and I notice her face light up and I start you chuckle

Kitty: what's so funny clay

Me: not much you face just lights up like a kid on Christmas when they put that in front of you. Which is a good thing especialy after what happened I've known people who have been through less crap then you and they still aren't the same it's good that you are getting back to the you I've known the past few days

Kitty: oh thanks* with a smile on her face *

We decide to talk some more about random shit while we eat I pay for the bill and we head back home. Once we got back to the mansion professor x wanted to speak to kitty and since I had nothing else to do I pulled my truck into the garage and decided to do my monthly maintenance check on it. When I was being watched by the caf I spent a lot of time learning form the vehicle techs and search and rescue I would by a register mechanic from the caf ( an* members of the Canadian armed forces refer to it as the caf) of it wasn't for my age at the time. After about 2 hours I finished with my truck and head in for lunch since it's 12:00 pm.

As I walk in from the front door I noticed my dad storm and the professor leaving and I ask what's up my dad says they have to check on on a dangerous mutant and they will be back later tonight and say cool and head into the kitchen looking for food. I walk into the kitchen and see kitty

Me: hey kitty you looking for some lunch

Kitty: hi clay yea I can't think of anything to eat

I walk over and see cheese,pasta sauce ,green peppers and I find pasta in the pantry

Me: why don't u go into the living room theirs a pasta bake that I know and we have the stuff for it so I'll make lunch

Kitty: are you sure

Me: yea and besides you just got out of the hospital no fighting me on this I'll drag u to the living room if I have to

Kitty huffs and walks away after half an hour I finished lunch and called her in

Kitty: wow this is great clay I want to know how you make it can can I have more

Me: ok sure they'd extra and I'll teach you next time

After we finish eating the 2 of us head to the living room to watch Netflix when the doorbell rings I walk over and open the door to see.

An cliffhanger

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