Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
It's about 3pm Saturday after noon when a massive crash is heard and wakes clay up

Clay: what the hell was that *looks at clock and sees it's 3pm* you have to be fucking kidding me right about 5 hours of sleep and now this bullshit

Clay gets up grabs his knifes and leaves his room while swearing under his breath, after a few minutes he sees an African American boy with spiked hair shooting spikes out of his arm who he remembers as even

Clay: oi even what the fuck is going on and what the fuck is that discussing smell

Evan: oh it's clay right we were attacked by the brotherhood another group of mutants and like to cause trouble and that smell would be toad but his name is Todd tolensky his mutations are like a toad

Clay: not only his mutations he smells like one to

Evan and clay walk down the hall when they here kitty say

Kitty: like lance what the heck why would you attack us

Lance: what you I'm just doing what I am told

Unknown: avalanche quite talking to you girlfriend and do you job we need to get into ceribo

Clay: the fuck is ceribo you know what I don't give a shit I'm to tired and pissed to care I'll be right back

Evan: wait what

Clays running down the hall towards kittys voice once he gets to here location in the lobby of the house he yells


Clay then throws a knife behind a scrawny person with white hairs in some weird jump suit,

Unknown: hah you missed loser

Before he can say anything else clay teleports behind him kicks the tension out on his right knee stoping him from moving and then he puts him in a chock hold knocking him out and throwing him across the floor.

Clay looks at the one that kitty called lance

Clay: oi lance is it I think I will call you fuck face I would take your freinds and leave before I break some bones and grab that dick head on the floor * points at the unknown mutant*

The brotherhood then retreats and leaves and clay helps kitty up

Kitty: wow like I didn't know you could do that normally there is a bigger fight

Clay: it's all in how you both fight and your town I went after one of them with a lot of force to show them that I don't fuck around I am also pissed becuase they woke me up. Now let's start to clean this place up wear are the others I only saw u and Evan

Kitty: well mr Logan and the professor went to deal with getting you set up and enrolled at our school so their in Canada and the other went with storm on a mission

Clay: oh ok

Clay,kitty and Evan start to clean up and clay makes a list of materials to get so they can fix the walls. After about an hour the professor and everyone else return home to find the aftermath of what happened

Professor x: can kitty and even please see me

Clay: hey professor sorry about the mess while you all we gone we had some uninvited guest from the brotherhood who ever the fuck they are, long story short they woke me up I was pissed teleported behind on brine his legs and choked him out once he was unconscious i throw him into a wall and told some dick head named lance to leave or I'll do worse we are currently working on cleaning the mess up and I just fixed the dry hole I broke by throwing some white haired dick head into

Professor x: clay please refrain from that language

Clay: sorry professor it's just how I cope with some of the stuff I've seen that and Tabacoo the good thing about healing factor is I don't have the negative effects given to me by chewing tabacoo and smokes, all though I am working on leaning off of that addiction I only use them when I'm realy stressed I haven't had a smoke since I got hear which is good. Swearing and tabacoo help me deal with stress and relax.

(An I decided to try a format used in other fanfics so this is how it will be most likely from now on, also I'm not sure if their will be regular updates and please ignore any grammar issues I do this when I'm bored and I make one copy and then pretty much post it)

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