Chapter 6

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Clayton pov

On the way their me and Scott start talking and he asked

Scott: hey Clayton what's up with the mods on this truck some would say you would be compositing for something

Me:*laughs* that's a good one and the truth is that they wouldn't be 100% wrong on that. The reason why My truck had the mods that it does is becuase I am compensating for something but it ain't a small dick. It's to compensate for the fact I used to work in a sar unit that didn't have a lot of funding and vehicles so instead of haveing a longer response time becuase our only 2 trucks were out we modified this one to make up for it.

Scott: oh I see that's why there's so much mods hear

Me: yup that's the main part the second part is I like working with tools and my truck.* notice the cop car stop so I stop as well* we are hear

I get out and take a look around when I notice skid marks on the road and the road barrier busted

Me:fuck I think I know what happed

Officer: yea what do you think happened

Me: well the big thing is that they were driven off of the road by who or what I'm not sure right now

I walk to my truck and position it so the winch is dangling off the side I get out, call Scott over and tell him when I give the signal to lower me down. I go into my bed and grab my go bag and a repeal harness I hook my self to the winch and give Scott the signal and I start to slowly repeal down the cliff that they drove off into the woods.

I reach the ground and I unhook my self and I have a visual on the bus

Me:*over walkie* With his wolf to all search teams be advised I have a visual on the Bus in question it looks like they were run off the road. It's at the base of the cliff at officer smiths location over

Control post:* over walkie* understood wolf sending teams that way over

I start to look around the place when I notice a girl with a piece of metal through her heart

Me: fuck *gets in walkie* control post with us wolf be advised that there is one confirmed deceased a piece of metal has punctured her heart it looks like she didn't suffer.

I pick up the girl and take her out of the bus. I call scot and tell him to throw down a second tarp I had in my truck and he does so. I put the girl on the tarp and over here marking her body with a red glow stick. I look around the area and I notice broken branches like someone walked through it. Using my heightened senses I sniff the air and notice a lingering scent from kitty and so I follow.

I follow the scent and any other signs such as broken branches and footprints. I am also yelling search and rescue call out every few minutes. I have been following their trail for about 2 hours now. When my walkie goes off asking for a check in

Me:*over wolf* this is wolf I'm on a trail but haven't found the them yet

I hear a distant argument from a distance Thant's to my enhanced hearing

Control point:*over walkie* 10-4 it's getting late and their going to be calling for rain time to turn back

Me:*over walkie* negative control I will be staying on this trail I don't want to risk losing it the other can return back

Control point:*over walkie* are you sure wolf

Me:*over walkie* yes I'm sure I'll be in touch wolf out

I head to the sound of the voices and about 5 minutes after continuing to follow the trail I notice that the grass is pushed a certain way the same as the branches and it makes sence that they had to drag someone and so at this point I start to run following the trail

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