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Hitoshi had been looking forward to his next shift, but it was cancelled. And when he heard of the reason why it was cancelled he was kind of glad. After all, what kinds of vibes was he supposed to be giving everyone with something like that happening. It was insane that they had them go back to school the next day already. Thank God the school was being reasonable enough to let the hero course students stay home for another day. Hitoshi couldn't even imagine how traumatizing the whole thing must have been. The alarm alone on the day was pretty scary.

But then, when he had seen the reports in the media, he realized just how damn scary it must have been to actually be there. He didn't really want to admit it, but... he was pretty glad that he wasn't in the hero course when he heard about the attack. Sure, helping people was great, but... fuck, no one really realized the risk it involved until it hit that close to home, huh?

But here he was again, the day after the USJ attack, about to do his thing, even though he had no idea how to do this. Maybe there wouldn't be that many people listening in. Or maybe a lot of people would call in... after all, most people got quite pensive during the night.

With a sigh, Hitoshi turned on the small desk lamp and set down the coffee he had just brewed himself. Time to do this. Hitoshi really hoped he wouldn't have to play therapist with people calling in tonight, because... well, first of all he wasn't qualified for that type of stuff and he never really thought that he was good with people. Or maybe that was because he had never spent much time with people.

Hi guys, it's Shinsou here. Again. Uhm... I honestly have no idea how to start this off, because... fuck, I mean... oops, am I allowed to say 'fuck' on here? Well, I kinda doubt people would care much after everything that's happened. I seriously have no idea what vibes to go for with the situation at hand, I mean... I doubt anyone is vibing a whole lot at the moment.

Which reminds me... that teacher that got hurt really badly... that was SleepingBag, wasn't it? I didn't see him during my afternoon nap today and that kind of made me sad. I mean, I've only known this guy for what? Three days? And we haven't even talked or anything, but... It just gave me a weird feeling knowing that he could easily have... gotten really, really hurt back there.

If you're by any chance awake and listening to this, SleepingBag, send in a song request. I lowkey miss you, man, even though I've never actually spoken to you. And if anyone from 1-A needs to talk or anything, you can always call in and I'll try my best to... I don't even know, just be there, I guess? Really, I haven't gotten any guidelines or anything whatsoever to go by here, so just... what happens during the insomnia hours stays in the insomnia hours or whatever.

I suppose we should have some calm and chill vibes, so... here is Purrple Cat with Alone Time. Honestly, I can vibe with both those things a lot and I hope you all can, too.

What the fuck was he even doing? He had no idea what any of these kids had been through. How was he even supposed to talk to them? He couldn't talk to anyone under normal circumstances. How was he supposed to talk to them when they were traumatized? Hitoshi's eyes wandered to the Google search bar.

With a sigh he typed what he had been thinking about this whole time "how to talk to a traumatized person". There seemed to be a good few resources available, so Hitoshi just clicked on the first link. It opened a long list of things to do and be sure of. Hitoshi scanned over it.

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