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Right, can we just talk about hero society real quick? Because there are just some things that are really weird to me lately. Like especially in context with the way everyone is supposed to do work studies now. I've been talking to Denki and they actually properly put them to work.

It just seems odd to me that all these years they only started that in second year, really, but now they send them all out as soon as possible as like a mandatory thing? And especially after so much has happened in connection with our first years? I don't know. It's giving me bad vibes.

And I've honestly had a lot of bad vibes lately. Aizawa being grumpy the other day didn't help that either. Something is about to go down and I just know it. And it won't be pretty and I'm honestly a little scared. Call me a pussy or paranoid or whatever, but something's not right and I know it.

Either way, let me know what you think and whether I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist or not, while we all listen to Kodaline with All I Want.

PowerLesbian: If you're a crazy conspiracy theorist, I'm with you, man. I don't trust any of the stuff that has been happening lately.

          >eyebags-for-days: RIGHT?!

                    >tape_dispenser: if i had smoked sth right now i'd probably agree with you, but i'm                             not sure

                    >tape_dispenser: and also since i'm planning to work for the man, you know... gotta                           keep my cards close to my chest and all. don't let them know you know.

                                   >eyebags-for-days: Smart.

SleepingBag: My favourite saying always has been 'Trust no one.' Make of that what you will.

          >eyebags-for-days: Mr. Aizawa conspiracy theorist confirmed?

                       >SleepingBag: I'm not saying anything. All I'm saying is not to trust anyone. I mean                              how do you know you can trust me? I'm just some guy, after all. Sure, I'm your                                        teacher and I'm a pro-hero, but what the hell does that mean in the grand scheme                              of things?

                                      >eyebags-for-days: Fuuuuuuck. I think I can feel my brain melting.

                                                      >HotNCold: You should see a doctor about that.

                                                                      >eyebags-for-days: Maybe I should, maybe I shouldn't. Who                                                                            knows?

MoneiiGurl: Okay, but what exactly has prompted this? Like you don't just go and blurt out stuff like that for no reason.

          >eyebags-for-days: One of my classes was cancelled and I had too much time to think.

                        >electrocutie: you had a cancelled class and didn't visit me? :c

                                       >eyebags-for-days: Your class wasn't cancelled.

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