oh wow...

12 0 0

heyyy.... hey... how y'all doin?..🙇🏾‍♀️😭✋🏾

first off just wanna say gah dayum👴🏿
i was really gone for two years?? uhhhhhhh nope didn't happen at all ahaha...*looks away*

but like how y'all been cuz lowkey i missed my lovelies :((

ayoooo my personality has changed so much it's funny. i'm not that same dopey, derpy kid when i first started out but y'all will find out about that soon enough :)... also i type in all lowercase now cuz it fItS mY aEsThEtIc,,, heheh just kidding

i just wanna say that i'm back and imma try to get back active on here too. imma start off by updating this book and all my other stories then i'll slowly just get back into the groove of writing new chapters and stuff

be patient wit me😛

it's so good to be back wow... i truly missed y'all and i hope y'all missed me😩💕

peace out
squishysoo13💕 (thinking about changing my name :3)

edit: i just realized this is my 50th part to this :0

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