School Is Stupid

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School is the most stupidest thing that society has created. All you do is sit for seven or more hours and 'listen' to people talk about things you're never going to use in the future. They don't even bother to teach you things you are going to actually use in your lifetime.

Right now, school is just draining my physical state to where I just collapse when I get home. In athletics today they about killed us. We had to run 6 100s non-stop and me having asthma, just drained my energy and made me really tired.

For the past 2 weeks I have felt like a zombie. My eyes droop tiredly and my limbs are heavy with exhaustion. I just don't even want to try anymore, but I never do give up even when my body wants to give up.

So I just want to give a shout out to my school. Thank you for making me feel dead on the inside out. You never cease to make me feel like crap on a day to day basis. Thank you for draining all of my energy, and thank you for never stopping to consider me and the other students feelings of; stress, anxiety, and depression just to name a few.

So thanks again school, for making me the worst I can be.

*Dies on the inside for the millionth time* Thank you for listening to my rant about how school sucks. I'm pretty sure you all have been there before so I just want to tell you, don't give up. That's all I have to say.

Peace out my lovelies

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