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I know this stupid concept has been around for a while now but I just couldn't help myself....😂😂😂😂

I just had to ask you this.........

Is water wet or dry???

I know I know.....just comment down what you think it is below and your argument to prove yourself 'right'...hehe

Here's my argument-
So I think water is wet because when you're thirsty the first thing you go to get is water (most of the time) and you drink it to hydrate yourself.

Also when you drink water here's a saying you might know: you're "wetting your whistle"

So yeah there's my argument.Not that good but it's good enough to get my point across.

Also if you agree with me that this stupid argument needs to end comment below because water isn't wet or dry.Water is water

Keep this in mind ok my lovelies!

Peace out lovelies
Squishysoo13 ❤❤❤❤

this was really dumb🧍🏾‍♀️ why was this even an argument back then😭 and why did i participate in it🧍🏾‍♀️
('edited' on: 1/28/21)

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