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Alright lovelies I just want to make this clear to you...

I don't care about how many followers I have I really don't and I might sound like a whiny little bish about it but I'm just confused.

Like I had 185 followers this morning and now I have 177 so I want to know are you guys like getting tired of my crap or what...

Did you accidentally hit the follow button or something...

.....alright weeeelllll I sound really immature and whiny right know and I'm sorry for it.

....I'm just really confused...just don't even think much about this.

This is just me being childish...I never really act this way so don't even think much about all.

Sorry for this crap rant but it's whatever now.Rhe damage has already been done I just have to accept that...sorry again...but it doesn't matter now I've made myself look bad

[My lovelies: just don't post it you dummy]

[Me: that's the logical reason but my childishness has taken over...]

*Cringes*once again I am sincerely sorry that you guys have to go through the trouble of reading this and seeing me acting stupid and childish

Sorry once again
Peace out my lovelies
I love you~~

(A/n: woah 250 words most I've written so far I'm impressed with myself....and also disappointed because I wrote this silly rant over losing a few followers...I'm sorry once again.
Peace out for real this time love you guys)

this is no longer the longest thing i've ever written but this shit is still embarrassing as hell-
('edited' on: 2/7/21)

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