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Feyno: hey 

Jevt, unresponsive, playing on communicator: 

Feyno: leans over shoulder, waves hand in face hey you alive? 

Jevt: looks away from tinker bell game to look at Feyno go away I have to get these items to the spring minister so I can complete this year 

Feyno: what

Jevt: go. away. I have. to get. these items. to. the spring minister. so I. can. complete. this. year. 


Feyno: leaves


Xee: huh I wonder why Far hasn't come out of her house in a while 



Xee when loud noise: I don't know what that was but I feel threatened


Far: incoherent sobbing while hugging a book 

Xee: uh— Far? are you okay? 

Far: I aM

Far: bUT [book character] ISNTmore sobbing 

Far: I jUST WANNA GIVE THEM A HUGGG Xee slowly backs out of the room


Anyone: is child

Xee: mine


Xee: Can we talk about the message you broadcasted to the entire server? 

Jerroc: It was an urgent and critical update. 

Xee: All you said was ''I'm back on my bullshit.'' 

Jerroc: And the people need to know.


Exii: blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion, the X makes it sound cool. 


Gridri: Mumjax's first detention. I'm so proud 

Ball: Whoa, back up, why'd he get detention? 

Jerroc: Because he's an idiot 

Jren: terrified  They can do that?


Every single Jermit: I'm running away from my responsibilities. And it feels good.


Sampulse: You're laughing. Everyone in the Trader Joe's hates me and you're laughing.


Eclair In the chip aisle at Walmart, doing a late-night grocery run. 

Eclair: Minding her own business, looking for tortilla chips. 

Pen to Jren: See, she knows what she's here for. She knows what she's doing. Be more like her. MAKE A DECISION, JREN.


 Every single Jermit: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly."


Shed: this was almost a great idea

 Xsc: you just described 90% of our stuff 


Jevt: My gender is anger and my pronouns are fuck off and screw you


Helaiya: You're not allowed to agree when I insult you!


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