Labor of Love

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Katsuki doesn't work Saturdays.

At least, that's how it's been since he'd started working at Sunliner. Dolly and Ivy had been really flexible with his schedule and agreed that since Katsuki is a young boy juggling so much---a school, a job, and hero work all at once---that having time off to simply be a teenager was just as important as having a decent paycheck.

Today, however, seemed to be an exception.

Dolly had called him sometime in the late hours of the morning while he and Tenya had been lazing about in the common room. It's oddly peaceful, Tenya and Shouto at what seems to be a silent truce. They've gone without incident for at least a week, which Katsuki had rewarded Tenya for with a sloppy blowjob in a bathroom stall between classes.

What can he say? Tenya is quite appreciative of the little things.

"I really hate to ask, darlin', but Ivy and I are in a real pickle here. We got more folks in here than we know what to do with and not nearly enough staff---not anyone with the sense God gave a gosh darn turnip green, anyway. I know it's your day off but could you please come give an old lady a hand?"

Katsuki manages a smile. It's not as if he could say no to Dolly---not as if he had any intention to in the first place. She sounds equally and excited about the business as she is stressed. He could stand to parade around and give the costumers some quality fan service.

"You don't have to beg me to help out, you know. I'd do anything for you."

"Oh, precious, I know. I just feel so horrible askin' you to come on your day off."

"After all you've done for me? Don't be ridiculous. I'll be there in twenty."

"You're a lifesaver, baby doll. Be safe on the---oh, come on! I just made them gosh darn pork chops and you done thrown 'em all on the floor! Ivy, get your butt in here and make sure these heifers ain't ruining my food!"

The line goes dead before Katsuki could give her any affirmation but it's all he could do to shake his head fondly and stand from his seat, stretching his stiff limbs over his head. Tenya seems to have caught on without any need for explanation on Katsuki's end, smiling up at him with that knowing look in his eyes.

"Would you like me to walk you there?"

"Nah, it's fine. Stay here and relax; you've had a long week. Could you come pick me up later tonight though? I know you're supposed to visit Tensei tomorrow but---"

"Of course I will. Don't worry yourself about that; Tensei and I won't be meeting for lunch until the late afternoon. I'll still have plenty of time to rest tonight. I'd much rather you did not make the walk home on your own."

It's not quite because Tenya is worried for Katsuki's safety, as he's well aware that Katsuki is perfectly capable of handling himself. He simply wants Katsuki to have the company after a long day's work. He knows that Katsuki prefers it more than walking alone in the dark, as past experience has taught them well that Katsuki is a magnet for villain attacks.

He's still traumatized but they avoid talking about it. Katsuki isn't ready and Tenya won't force him.

"O-Oh, was that your mom, Kacchan?" Deku asks from where he's sitting on the opposite sofa and instead of telling him to fuck off like he usually would, he just sighs and replies with a flat "Yeah, that was my mom." Technically, it isn't a lie. Dolly is just as much his mother as Mitsuki---if not moreso considering his significantly more stable relationship with the bubbly woman.

Todoroki gives Katsuki a knowing glance but says nothing, choosing to mind his own business today.

Best decision he's made all week, if Katsuki does say so.

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