♡The Date♡

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Y/n's POV:
"So... y/n I really wanna ask you something" Connor asked me as we were left alone in the backyard of Shawn's house in LA.
"What is it" I chuckled. "I...I was thinking maybe..." he stuttered. "Just say what's on your mind" I took his hand in mine. "I was thinking if you wanna go on a date with me..tonight" he finally admitted taking me by surprise. "Oh..I..wow.. i don't really know what to say" I blushed. "Give me some time to think about it" I added. "Yeah sure. Take your time" Connor smiled.

As long as I could remember shawn, Brian and I never left each other's sides. We were always together which explains why Brian and I never missed a tour with shawn. We were there to support him and keep him grounded.
But this tour was different. Connor, a new member who was added to Shawn's crew. He is such a talented photographer.
And my passion for photography made us grow closer. I never thought about him that way. In my mind he was just a friend and I honestly don't think we will work when my mind and my heart are owned by someone else...

"Alright I-I gotta go." Connor said giving me a kiss on my cheek. "Text me later" he shouted walking away and I just nodded. "What was that about" shawn asked as he walked in. "Oh..nothing" I lied. Shawn took a place beside me as we stayed there outside enjoying the view of the ocean.

"Got any plans today?" I asked him. "Not much I might go to Amy 's later " he replied. Although he always claimed that they were only friends i always knew that she was more than just a "friend" for him. And I can't help but feel jealous.
"You?" He asked back. "No.." I said.
"Actually I may have.." I added.
"Didn't know that you have friends in LA" he chuckled making me roll my eyes.
"Well turns out I do " I replied. "Someone asked me on a date" I said and as soon as the words left my mouth I could see Shawn's eyes go wide open. "A date?" He frowned. "Who?" He asked. "Connor" I replied. "And you said yes" shawn said feeling a disappointment in his tone.
"I did" I lied once again. "Can't believe this " he hissed. "Anything wrong with that?" I asked. "No. I mean it's your decision after all" he added keeping the same expression on his face since I told him the news.
And as soon as i realised what i did i regretted it. This will only end up by hurting Connor's feelings.
"Alright I gotta go get ready" I sighed earning a nod from shawn.

Around 7 p.m I heard a knock on my door. I opened it revealing Connor.
"Hey, you ready- oh wow... you look amazing" he said making me blush a little
"Let's go" he said offering me his hand.
"Have fun kids" brian shouted while shawn didn't even look up from his phone


"Oh my god i can't believe you did that" i laughed for the hundred time tonight.
"Well it sounded better in my head" connor laughed back.
"Cmon let's sit here" he said after taking a long walk in the streets.
"I had a great time today. Thank you" i said after a moment of silence.
"So what changed your mind" he asked out of nowhere. "What do you mean" i asked confused. "You seemed very hesitant i was almost sure that you're gonna turn me down. But then you texted me saying that you'll come" he shrugged. And I looked down. "It's because of him isn't it" he asked and I stayed silent once again.
"Look... i had a great time with you today too but.. i can't be with you when you're obviously thinking about someone else" he said. "Isn't that a bit unfair for me?" He asked feeling the hurt in his voice.

"Connor... i just.. i don't know" I said. "You're right" I sighed. He was right about every word that he said.
"It's just that..." i tried to find the right words to say. "You wanted to fill that void " he continued. "I'm sorry" I cried.
"I guess I just wanted to give us a shot because... I'll never have him.. and I'm afraid that right now I won't have you anymore" i said feeling tears forming in my eyes. "Hey.. you'll always have me" he said lifting my head so my eyes could meet his. "No matter how hard it breaks my heart that you don't feel the same way, I still want to be by your side and stay friends with you" he added and that's when I fell into his arms. I felt so guilty that I broke his heart. But.. i can't do anything about it.
"I'm so sorry" is all I could say. And he nodded while wiping my tears away.
"But you should talk to shawn " he said. "What do I say" I shrugged. "What you really feel?" He said. "He likes you" he added. "He doesn't " i rolled my eyes. "Well I've seen it" he said. "Could you tell me what was his reaction when he knew about the date" he asked. "He.. spent the whole day ignoring me" I mumbled. "See, that's shawn. Instead of fighting for what he loves, he just back away" he explained and deep down i felt awkward talking about this with Connor. It just felt so unfair for him.

Finally Connor dropped me in Shawn's house and he went to his own place.
"Hey everyone" I said as I found our friends gathered in the living room. I stepped closer and that's when I noticed shawn was messing.
"How was it" they asked. "I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. I'm exhausted. " I said and they nodded. "Where's shawn by the way " I asked. "In his room" they replied.

On the way to my own room i heard a sniffle coming from Shawn's room. I stepped closer and it sounds like he's crying. "Shawn? Can i come in ?" I knocked on the door. "Come in" i heard him saying after a moment of silence.

"Hey" i said opening the door only to see him siiting on his bed with his red puffy eyes. "Are you okay" i asked while sitting next to him. "I am" he said. "Were you crying? You can tell me what's wrong" i asked once again. "Everything is alright " he said faking a smile. But i knew him too well to believe him.
"Shawn..." i sighed. "Fine! I'm not okay! Nothing is going as planned! Is that what you wanna hear?" He raised his voice.
"And I'm here to help you and to listen to you!" i said. "Well that's the thing.. you can't " he mumbled. "Why?" I said. "W-why are you saying that" i stuttered.
"Because..." he said looking everywhere but into my eyes. "I'm afraid " he whispered. "Of what?" I asked.
"Of losing you" he finally admitted.
"What makes you think that you're gonna lose me." I frowned. "Him.." he said. And that's when it hit me. I wasn't sure if he meant it. So i just played it dumb until he clarifies his feelings.
"I don't understand you shawn.." i sighed. "I don't even understand myself. Lately, I've developed feelings for you a-and.. i didn't want to ruin things between us" he said clearing his throat. "Y-you have?" I said and I couldn't help it but smile. "But you're with him now aren't you" he looked down. "No I'm not you fool. It's been always you. I just went on a date with him so I could let you know how much did it hurt me everytime you went on a date with different girls " I said feeling a tear slipping away. "It's been and it will always be you." I added.

Finally a wide smile appeared on his face. And before I could realize what was happening he stood up and pulled me over his shoulder. Then he started running towards the living room. "She feels the same way!" He screamed and everyone started clapping and whistling. He let me down and I was blushing so hard. "Congratulations!" They all said looking at us in an awe. Shawn looked down at me with a smile on his face and I couldn't help but feel the luckiest girl alive to be able to finally call him mine.

Please tell me what you think♡

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