** 💚⌘ Caelyn Olivia 💚⌘ **

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Caelyn Olivia


Caelyn, the day she turned 18 left the pack on her own free will.

The pack Alpha was not on site as he was away for meetings. She happened to know unlike others that another pack was being moved closer and why the meetings were happening.

She even knew what pack was in trouble, and why they were being moved by Council. Her pack was a Warrior classed pack, the one being moved needed the safety a Warrior pack could give them.

She left no blood family there that she left behind as she was adopted in fact, and both adopted parents had left her in the care of the pack years ago. They had both since died.

She had enrolled herself into University, where she was accepted because her grades were always excellent.

With her arriving in the area early, she found living accomodations elsewhere as classes were still in session as they were about to have finals week. She also quickly found a job. She was seen, then was personally asked as she hadn't even enquired if they needed help.

It all fell into place, where she lived and worked.

So for the next three years, Caelyn was attending University and working.


She was seen by all where she worked and was watched by many. With her scent and essence both all pulled back behind multiple shields, she was not assumed anything but a human. She was very polite, soft spoken, respected others and no one she worked with ever had a bad thing to say about her.


When her final year was completed, she had surprize visitors arrive.

Before her University graduation ceremony, Council Warriors arrived onsite and took control. Her apartment was invaded, stripped of all her belongings and all packed up when she went to the University to get her final scores.

Then when she entered her apartment, behind her back she was injected and knocked out. They quickly transported she and all her belongings plus vehicle away.


When she woke, she scented the room quickly, then got up. She grabbed her clothes she last wore that were found newly laundered then used the washroom.

She quickly showered, then dried off and dressed. Her wolf woke after she was done. She had already noticed both her wrists had been bitten.

When she left the washroom, her wolf groaned. Caelyn opened the door and stood there for a moment as three Council Warriors stiffened and stood up straight.

She looked off as they heard multiple different snarls, growls and yelling then she asked I'm at Council? One Council Warrior nodded. Another took her arm and said you need to eat.

She said I could eat, how long have I been here? He said about a week, and kept unconscious. She was moved when she asked why?

Another Council Warrior asked why what? She asked why was I collected? He smiled and said after you eat we are to take you up to see the Head Councilman. He'll tell you.

She sighed and said so your going to leave me in the dark until then? They all said yes, as ordered.


She had been taken via the private hallways to a private dining room, and after eating until stuffed, they bypassing all others there at Council again, and she was then taken up to the top floor.

She totally braced herself, her wolf being too quiet in the back of her mind since she woke. Scents she smelled just before the office door was open for them even put her on edge.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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