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Their hearts flinched towards the towering door before them. 


Sweaty hands wrapped tighter around the trigger of their poised guns.


It was time. 

Captain America, lifted his leg ferociously and then struck it thoroughly into the chest of the towering door. Forcefully, he used his fist to attack the remaining, ragged shards surrounding the door's frame. Destroyed, the door clamoured to the floor. Following his command, a troop of soldiers trailed Captain America into a vast room. A plethora of doorways leading to other rooms circled around them as they frantically searched the room. A desk shrouded in paper ,containing schemes conjured by hydra, was neighbouring a small stool with a single note placed purposely on it. Discharged scarlet blood formed words on the note. Captain America narrowed his eyebrows in fury as his eyes gaped down at the note with an anger ejecting out of him. The note shouted Hail Hydra with a string of blood connecting the feisty words together. The words told Captain America that the mission had been a set up. They knew they were here. Hydra had lured them here and now their mission was for nothing.  Disappointment became written on Cap's forehead while his mouth formed a furious scowl. 

His wrath became clear when he shouted,"Shit!" before arching his leg into the stool, bisecting it in half.

Regaining his composure, the leader signalled his team to examine the other rooms. Obediently, they scattered away from each other and then disappeared into the suffocating darkness of the rooms.  A chorus of shouts expressed that their room was clear, aggravating Captain America further. His hope was shredding away from his irritated bones. 

Suddenly, his hope was regained when one of his men urgently rushed towards him after coming from another room. "Cap, I think you're gonna want to see this."

Shadowing his soldier through an enclosed hallway, Cap tried to calm his hopes. He just wanted to find what he came here for. At the end of the hallway they curved into a bright, vivid room. White paint stretched across the walls and floor ,casting out a hospital feeling to enchant the room. Four empty beds decorated the outside of Hydra's territory. Cap walked deeper into the room. His legs forced him to stop in the middle of the room in front of another bed but unlike the others, this one wasn't empty. Purple painted legs laid lifelessly on the bed with the top half of them masked under a dainty, black dress. The straps of the dress were wrapped loosely around angular shoulders and the middle part of the ragged dress tied around a lean waist. With his shocked eyes, Cap looked up at the face occupying the body. Two sealed shut eyes placed centred in a perfectly oval shaped head. Plumped lips sat below hollow cheeks giving the face a beautiful aura. Pity rained on the soldier staring in disgust at the gaunt figure. He could not comprehend how anyone could be so savage towards another especially as this was just a young girl. 

The oval head had wires biting into it and these wires were attached to a colossal, mechanical machine. A mind wiping machine. Worriedly, Cap placed his fingers over the girl's flaccid wrist and then he sighed with relief when he heard her wrist pulsating. But the pulse was slow. 

"Quick we need to get her out of here now!" Cap ordered two men to detach her from the wires and then they carefully carried her delicate body out of the room. 

Cap whispered in the ear to another soldier,"Why would they leave her here for us to find?" 

"Well, from the records we have discovered, it suggests that she's a failed assassin which they don't need anymore. They wanted to get rid of a dead weight. The power in the machine is too much for a body to take. It's a miracle she's still alive."

"They wanted us to find her dead body and take it as a warning," Cap muttered ,trying to understand the evil ways of Hydra. The soldier readied to move out but Cap briskly grabbed his arm, preventing him from leaving. 

"Wait." He indicated for the soldier to lean in. "Is there any sign of Bucky?" he whispered. The realisation sunk into him that he was never going to find his old friend when the soldier shook his head symbolising no. 

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