Chapter 7

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In anguish, the unrecognisable captive disguised in gaping wounds tensed her hands and then struggled to pull her hands forward in hope of freeing herself from the gloomy prison. With her hands chained to the wall with her body drooping under them, she was unable to move but she could still speak.

"Let me out you Bastards," she stridently commanded but when she heard no response, she followed her command with hysterical, savage screams generated by her anger and extreme yearning to get home away from the shackles that mark her hand with pink bruises, and from the torturing solitude. 

As her screams became louder when her longing to return home increased, she heard someone walk down the stairs leading towards her cell. With her last piece of cherished hope, she carried on shouting for help, praying that the person looming closer was here to rescue her. The lock to her cell door rustled and then eventually opened and made passage for Davina's guest. She gulped down her screams and her last piece of hope was brutally murdered when she saw Bucky towering over her with a vexed emotion. 

"I thought I told you to be quiet." With his robust, metal arm, Bucky gently grasped Davina's hair in her slick bun and then he violently tugged it down. Strands of hair fused with blood, flew to the floor while a burning pang migrated unbearably across her head. Referring to her silence, Bucky mocked,"now that's better." He then tugged at her hair once more-a sharp,hard tug- before releasing her. "Now then, anything else to say?" 

"Bucky, you know me and-" Bucky lodged his knee into her stomach and then his knee left her with a throbbing, unendurable feeling in her lungs. 

Not willing to give up so easily, she continued," You know me and you used to love me for than any-" This time Bucky engraved his hand into her cheek, knocking her teeth out of formation and causing blood to trickle out of her sore gums. 

Resiliently, she persisted," You loved me more than anything and I loved you." Metal collided with her skin, when he slapped her harshly across the face. "Hydra ruined our love and took you away." 

Bucky's anger tripled as he launched his fist into the wall next to Davina's head. "I don't know you. I don't love you. I don't care about you. All I care is that when you have served our purpose,  I get to be the one to fucking kill you!" His hand that was drenched in blood from the impact of his punch, grabbed Davina's face tightly and squeezed harder when his anger escalated. "No one's gonna save you now," he said spitefully before letting go of her face and storming out of the room, locking the door securely behind him. 

Davina was left stained in his blood and her body and soul sank into despair. Once again, confined in her cage, she was isolated with her exasperating thoughts. Why do I still love him after everything he's done? She was being strangled by agony, loneliness and confusion. In order to save her from the never ending strangulation, a memory exploded and seeded glimpses of her and Bucky in her complex mind. She saw the passion they used to share when he would gently touch her skin and lustfully kiss slowly down her neck. She longingly watched when her and her once true love interlaced their bodies so that their skin soothed one another and their intimate kisses symbolised their unconditional love which both of them would have happily died for.

Now, he would happily kill her. Davina had hoped that she could change him but she now didn't know whether she wanted to or not. Even if he changed, she thought, how would she ever trust him again after all the torture and pain he had inflicted on her life. If he would ever go to touch her, she would flinch away at the memory of him beating her bloody. But she shouldn't lose hope in him, or should she? She was torn: her heart was telling her to love him no matter what but her head was desperately telling her to leave him in his set ways and move on with her life with Peter. 

Peter, she smiled when her head had mentioned him. Oh how she wished to be in his arms instead of in chains. Peter was so different to Bucky with his polite voice and gentleman composure; he reminded her of the Bucky she remembered in her dreams. She loved Peter so much but she also loved the memory of Bucky. Maybe it was time to move away from the past and treat it like a separate life to her new one. In her new life, she would drag all of her attention onto the sweet, loving Peter Parker. 

Davina remembered a bittersweet time with Peter. It was sweet because of the company and bitter because of the reminder that she was far from him. She pictured an intimate time when her and Peter were fervidly holding each other underneath warm, moist bed sheets. Peter had a tenacious grip around her waist with one of his muscular hands and his other hand explored the rest of her desirable body ,while his tongue travelled around her exotic mouth in full depth. Dreaming of her wonderful adventures with her lover, she drifted off into a deep, tranquil sleep. 

Your memories will be the death of youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz