Chapter 9

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Distant shouts echoed in Davina's room,bouncing off of walls around her. Sat folded in a corner of the room, Davina couldn't sleep, not without Peter who hadn't spoken to her for days. She was terrified of the thought that they might really be over. The shouting continued to rattle her brain while she thought of ways she could make it up to Peter. Before she could search her brain for a solution, Natasha had burst into her room.

"We are being attacked!" she panted and then rushed out. They knew they were going to be attacked soon but not this soon;they were unprepared. Speedily, Davina put on her new suit after her old one had been vandalised by Bucky. Bucky, she thought, would be at the battle so she would have a last chance to change him for the better. If she failed, then he would be detached from her forever. Without looking, she rushed out the door head first into Peter.

"We should stop meeting like this," she joked as she did not know what else to say. Peter moved his eyes to the floor as they stood in a tense silence.

"I just came to check you were alright. I'll go now." he turned to leave.

"No! Peter we can't leave it like this."

"Like what?"

"Peter, come on. I hate not talking to you and I hate the way you can't bear to look me in the eye. I know I hurt you, believe me I do. Do you not even love me anymore?"

Peter looked up into her sorrowful eyes and in them he could see all the pain and regret Davina was feeling. He wanted to forgive her, but how could he trust her again?

"Of course I still love but I just... Ugh. How do I say this." 

"What Peter?"

All the feelings he had hid from his heart exploded out of him. "You broke me, I felt my heart bleed. How am I supposed to trust you? At first, I just wanted to forget you ever existed."

A pound in Davina's chest poked at her as she realised how far rooted his hurt was inside of him. "Peter I'm so sorry. How do I fix this?"

"You can't. I will always love you that never changed, but I need some time to learn to trust you again." Davina nodded in agreement as she saw that this was the only way they could rekindle their love. Peter wiped away his tears and then said,"Come on we should get going, it's not like we're being attacked or anything."

They made their way outside, where the avengers-all suited up and weaponized- were stood in a unified line curved around the outside of the avengers headquarters. They were hatefully looking at the coming soldiers, advancing towards them from a hydra ship.  They were all ready; except Davina. She was distracted as her mind was unraveling her guilt. She had just promised to make things better with Peter while she hoped to find Bucky in order to make him remember her. How could she be so cruel. She needed to pick on who she wanted but she loved them both equally. Even if she could choose, it would not be fair as Bucky was not himself. If she brought Bucky back to his true self then she would be able to judge fairly. That was it, she would save Bucky and then make a hard but true decision. 

Over the top of her blaring thoughts, she heard a sharp voice bellow out of Captain America's determined face, "Avengers assemble."

 This was followed by a raging holler from Thor as he lunged his robust hammer into the air, capturing the mighty streaks from the conjured lightning. Soon after,  Natasha elevated her fists -enhanced with her signature bite-bracelets- and proceeded into the running soldiers, attacking all the one's that were stupid enough to go near her. Tony lightly pressed the light glowing in his chest, triggering metal particles to dance across him into a formation of a crimson, solidified suit covering every inch of his vulnerable skin and then pounced off the floor and into the sky with smoke firing out of his hands. Bruce enlarged and mutated into a viridescent beast while Peter suited up into his impenetrable suit and Steve seized his hefty shield. Gallantly, Davina stepped forward and used her mind to move the abandoned hydra ship into a group of running soldiers, causing them to be brutally vanquished. The fight had begun!

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