Chapter 4

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The radiant sun glowed through the widow and on the bed occupied by Peter and Davina. They had spent every night together since the night when Davina's dreams became haunted by horrific snippets of the past making her scream in agony in her sleep. She needed Peter in order to feel safe and loved. She never told her new love, Peter, that the dreams always started with a pleasant memory of the familiar mesmerising man with piercing blue eyes because she was ashamed of loving a memory of a man as well as Peter. The dreams were always identical with it beginning with the mystery man who then gets ripped from her arms and taken away from her. She could always feel a throbbing ache when they were parted. These dreams and the uncertainty about her past was burying her alive.

Muffled voices awoke her and she soon recognised the voices belonging to Tony and Steve, who had swiftly recovered from his gruesome mission. The muffled voices soon converted into aggressive clamouring with Steve protesting that Bucky was his friend and with no idea what they were making a racket about, she followed the voices leaving Peter tucked in bed. She urged closer to the kitchen where the fight was taking place.  

"What if we bring in Davina?" she heard Steve say.

"No absolutely not!" Tony argued.

"She knows hydra so she could be a good asset."

"She doesn't remember anything. We would be just putting her in danger for the sake of it."

"Davina is a powerful witch, she won't be in any danger. We need her. Do you want to defeat hydra or not?"

"But this isn't about hydra is it, for you it's about finding Bucky." Steve silenced himself as he knew he had just been called out. "Bucky is dangerous especially because he's from hydra. Don't waste your time trying to save him, or your end up repeating the last time you tried to reason with him."

Hearing the mention of hydra, her interest grew immediately. She still knew nothing about her hazy path so when she heard that the Bucky guy was to do with hydra, she wondered if he could lead her to the answers to her burning questions. Without thinking, she hurriedly stepped into the room where her fellow avengers could now see her.

"Davina! Great just the girl I was looking for. I would like you to accompany us on a mission today because with your training progress as evidence, you are ready!" Steve cheerfully said to Davina, ignoring what Tony had just said to him. 

"What did I just say?" Tony frustratedly rolled his eyes to the back of his head.

This pleased Davina as she thought that it could be her opportunity to not only prove that she was a powerful witch, but also a chance to discover the unknown circumstances of her past. She eagerly accepted, ignoring Tony's disapproving eyes glaring at her.

"Fine she can come but if anything happens to her then you're to blame," Tony then looked anxiously at Davina." As I like to say, you sometimes gotta run before you can walk." He sounded unsure and gave the impression that he didn't really mean it but before Davina could question his faith in her, he stormed out the room. 

"So what's the mission then?" she excitedly asked Steve.

"Well we are up against hydra, the people that manipulated you, and their best assassin: Bucky." 

Davina remembered Steve saying that his bruises were made by an 'old friend', was this the guy? "Is Bucky the one who attacked you? Why didn't you know it was him before you went on the mission?"

"Like I've said before, I thought he was dead."

Davina pressed him no further as she could tell that this was a sore subject for him. "So you got any tips for tomorrow?"

"Be better than your enemy. If you get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed, walk it off."  

The next day, Davina clothed herself in a rich maroon coloured jumpsuit with a black belt around her lean waist containing pockets for guns and weapons. Her hair was slicked back in a neat bun on the top of her head with two curls escaping the bun framing her delicate face. Once she had slotted all her weapons into her belt, she examined her appearance in the mirror. The vibrant colour of her suit complimented her raven black hair and her fair skin. 

Due to her intense examination of herself, she did not notice when Peter crept up behind her. When she finally noticed him, he was enjoying studying her graceful face and alluring figure. Lovingly, she hugged him and when she let go, he presented to her a fragile, dainty pendant hooked on a silver chain. The pendant was shaped into a pretty heart adorned with little silver gems. It was beautiful. Peter gently tied the necklace around her neck before she hid it under her impenetrable suit in order to keep it safe. After kissing Peter thank you, they joined the group of waiting avengers in the hall.

From the hall, they moved outside and then into a helicarrier where they were then transported to a vast battlefield. The helicarrier was sprung open, triggering a gust of wind to suffocate the plane. In unison, the mighty avengers strolled out of the carrier and then stopped in a unified line outside it with their weapons drawn.

Her ears rang from the deafening noise from the coming spaceship belonging to hydra which crashed into the ground in front of them ,releasing hundreds of weaponized soldiers. The sanguinary battle commenced with Bruce adapting into the merciless hulk. For a while, Davina used her special abilities to eliminate the enemy by moving them via her mind and then thrusting them across the field. Just as she finished killing a plethora of soldiers, she noticed Steve clandestinely running away from the soldiers. She knew he was going to find Bucky alone. Stealthily, she waited a while and then followed in the direction he went only to end up on a bridge where she spotted a husky man, who she assumed to be Bucky, with a huge, burnished metal arm holding Steve's body over the bridge.

"Put him down," Davina demanded.

"As you wish," Bucky whispered to himself.

Cruelly, Bucky loosened his grip on Steve and then watched as he abruptly tumbled to the ground. Davina desperately screamed even though she knew Steve could survive the fall. Her anger frenzy scream pushed her power out of her hands. Lightning darted out of her and headed towards Bucky. Clouds gathered around him and then swept him off his feet. She was in control of her power now. Vigorously, she jostled him into a nearby car. Finally, she had fulfilled her goal. 

Despite the brutality of the fall, Bucky climbed out of the blemished dent of the car without a scratch. With murder on his mind, he raced towards her while loading his gun. The gruesome man lifted his head towards her allowing her to view his face. He had a handsome face with mousy coloured hair but his most significant feature was his dreamy, celestial, sky blue eyes which turned lighter in the glistening sunlight. Davina felt as if she had been hit in the stomach causing all of her air to escape her lungs when she saw the beautiful blue eyes of the man in her dreams on this ruthless murderer. It was him, Bucky, the man she loved. She struggled to regain her air as she tried to figure out how she could have used to love this villainous, fiendish monster. Smirking , the brute strolled over to her and she readied herself for a fight.

"Bucky, stop," she warned because despite his ruthless ways, her embedded love for him prevented her from wanting to hurt him. Confused, Bucky stopped and wondered how she knew his name. Before he could question her, another soldier creeped behind her and ruthlessly hit her with a gun across her head, inflicting an enormous pain to possess her body. She could feel the blood oozing out of her ringing head before she was thrust to the cold, hard floor. 

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