Chapter 8

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They were still under the sheets when Peter continuously groaned her name in her sensitive ear but gradually, his desired groan adapted into a concerned shout which sounded extremely real. Startled, she awoke to Peter leaning over her calling her name. He had unshackled her chains causing her frail body to swoop to the floor but her savour was there to lift her up just like he did when they first met. Peter tightened his grip around his most valuable possession and pulled her close to him and whispered,"I'm sorry."

An assemble of soldiers rushed towards them just as Peter was carrying the exhausted girl out of her cell. They froze when the soldiers circled around them, pointing the lasers of their guns at their scared hearts. One trigger is all it takes to send the bullet flying deep into my heart. Peter thought to himself as he backed away slowly.

Tenderly, Spider man placed Davina on the frigid floor, shielded away from the hostile soldiers. Subsequently, he leaped into the air, shooting viscous webs over the guns trapping their bullets inside. After falling elegantly to the floor, he bolted towards the now unarmed soldiers. The soldiers ran towards him but they were swiftly wiped out; Peter tossed one over his shoulder, another he catapulted into a wall and the last one he shrouded in a thick web. Pleased with himself, he stood back and looked at his art.

Loud and clear, he heard the sound of a trigger being released. Alarmed, he turned around towards a man ,who had his hand gripped on a gun and his finger coiled round the trigger. Taking his pressure off the trigger,he released a monster to shoot out and furiously charge towards Peter's thudding heart. The monster inched closer and closer until it came at arm's length to its victim. He briefly looked at Davina and mouthed to her that he was sorry and then closed his eyes and braced for impact. He breathed in, ready for the bullet to strike. With his tension rising, he waited for the bullet but it never came. Puzzled, he opened his eyes to find a tremendously strong shield protecting him with Steve cowering below it.

"Get Davina out of here!" Steve demanded.

Peter hurled Davina off the floor and then dashed out of the building and made it outside. Inhaling the delightful fresh air, Davina's energy instantly activated and thrived through her. A web spun out of Peter's wrists and landed on a nearby building. Then, he flung himself and Davina into the air.

Eventually, they hurled into the avengers headquarters; Davina was home at last. The rest of the avengers entered moments later. With worried expressions painted on their faces, they all enclosed around her. They all quickly dispersed when Peter asked them for space while he tucked her into bed. He led her to her room where he gently placed her under her quilt. His hand brushed a loose strand of her hair out of her face before Davina captured his hand and lovingly squeezed it.

"I love you," she quietly admitted.

"I love you too." He stared at her injured face, trying not to hate himself for not preventing her wounds. "I'm really sorry Davina. I should have protected you."

"Hush. It wasn't your fault ,it was hydra's."

"You mean Bucky's?" Peter questioned.

"No it wasn't his fault. He wanted to help me but they memory wiped him before he could."

"Why would he want to help you?"

Davina sighed, knowing that the truth had to be revealed. "Peter, I haven't been completely honest with you. I knew Bucky before I met you and even though I couldn't barely remember him, I have been receiving glimpses of our old life together. We were in love and we were happy before hydra ruined us. I loved him and when i found these memories, i couldn't stop myself from wanting to know more about him. I'm sorry. I should have told you."

Peter looked away from her and blankly stared at the floor. Davina could tell that her secrets had killed him inside so she broke down into remorseful sobs.

"Peter please say something. Shout at me or be angry. Just please say something."

He lifted his head but his eyes stayed glued to the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with the person who just made his heart shatter into little, glass shards. "Do you still love him?" he quietly asked, praying for the answer that would not break his heart further.

Davina desperately wanted to lie to him, to save him the heartache but she owed him the truth. Her words could not crawl out of mouth but her increased sobs answered the question for her. Peter laid his eyes on her, trying to figure out how she could still love him. He masked his anger and sorrow with calmness and then walked out of the room ignoring Davina's cries for him to come back.

Davina hated herself, she couldn't bare thinking about how she just lost Peter's love for a man who just abused her. Outside, the moon rose as the sun died along with her soul.

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