Chapter 10

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A weak, fragile body stretched out along a black bed with a huge machine placed next to it. Wires filled with flowing current were attached to the body's head. The head contained red, watery eyes and drained cheeks that belonged to Davina. Holding her hand, Peter was standing beside her with a worrying look. 

 Concerned, Peter asked, "Are you sure you want to do this? Having your memory wiped might destroy you."

 "If me and you want any sort of life together then I must do this and when I wake tell me who I am but leave the parts about... you know who out." She couldn't bring herself to say his name without breaking down into sobs. 

"Davina can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

He took a deep breath. "Did you ever truly love me or were you just with me because you couldn't have Bucky?"

"What? No, of course not. I loved you and I still do. I couldn't help my feelings for Bucky as they were like programmed into me. I chose to love you. I didn't choose to love Bucky." She missed Bucky so much but she had ,standing before her, a loyal man who would cherish her forever, hence why she needed to let Bucky go. "If I do this then I will only love you. I promise."

"I would like that." Peter smiled which then caused Davina to smile back. 

"I'm so sorry I ever hurt you. I didn't want to."

"I know."

"Will you ever forgive me?"

"I'm here with you aren't I? I think that gives you a clue," he said before kissing Davina's hand.

"I love you and I always will Parker."

"I love you too."

Wiping her joyful tears away, Davina then let go of Peter's hand. "I'm ready. Please take my memories away or they will be the death of us." 

And with that, Peter pulled down the machine's lever causing electrical waves to flood her mind and ease her of her suffering. She would be able to start a new life with Peter without any connections to the past, or well she thought she would. 

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