Chapter 14

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"Alright- This one is from when Lance and Matt were happy and in love" Author said.

"So, like, from their first month together?" Keith asked.

"Watch your mouth." Author glared.

The screen showed someone flirting with Matt

"I thought you said that this is from when they were still in love?" Pidge asked.

"Just watch." 

"Excuse me, please step away from my boyfriend. " Lance asked 'nicely' 

The girl glared as she looked him up and down, looking back at Matt and winking.

As she walked near Lance she said, "Watch your man."

"I'm confused.." Allura said.


Lance grabbed the girls hair and said threateningly, "You should watch your mouth."

"That's…" Matt trailed off, blushing because of the protectiveness of his ex lover.


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