CHAPTER ONE | i hit a guy in the head

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CHAPTER ONE | i hit a guy in the head

CHAPTER ONE | i hit a guy in the head

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Don't Be Suspicious : The Pojammer


I dare you to text "baby shark doo doo" to the person you sent your most recent text to. But if it's someone like your aunt or teacher then maybe don't.

To be perfectly honest Borg Tower is overrated.

I mean- it was cool and all, trust me. I did say a giant "WOOOAAHHH!" that made people look at me funny but it was too empty. Too boxy. Too many machines and not enough...homey feels.

The building was giant with slick floors that if you scooted around in socks you'd feel like you were ice skating. The ceilings were so tall that your voice seemed to bounce off everything. It made you want to say "HELLO!" like in all the movies and wait for it to relay back to you. Technology was everywhere doing everything and there were thousands of people rushing around like ants.

But until I see lasers and a good ol' fuzzy beanbag I didn't care for it.

Now you must be thinking: "Gwen, if you don't like the place, why are you there?"

Good question! Honestly, I was wondering that myself as I stood among all the other interns. I felt like a pretzel in a bag of jellybeans. Lost and confused. And a little salty. All the people there had glasses, clean business-like clothes, perfect hair in buns and ponytails, and notebooks that are actually for notes.

And there I was in my yellow leather jacket from the thrift store. Scuffing my red converse on the ground as I played with my avocado necklace. The only notebook I had on me was a sketch pad that was mostly filled with unflattering cartoon drawings of my teachers. A total sore thumb in a room full of pretty pinkies.

It was my father who made me apply for the internship program. His big dreams of making me some mechanic or fancy engineer was what pushed me straight into Ninjago City and what sent me to NGCU. Sure, I met some nice people there but I was a girl majoring in all that science-y stuff I still used the word science-y instead of whatever we did.

Apparently, the other interns were thinking the same thoughts as I did, giving me funny looks or judge-y up-and-down surveys of disdain. I mean seriously people, this isn't high school.

Clearing my throat awkwardly and brushing my light brown hair back I followed the guide as she showed us around, waving at certain things like they were important.

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