CHAPTER SEVEN | i've never been more uncomfortable in my life

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CHAPTER SEVEN | i've never been more uncomfortable in my life

CHAPTER SEVEN | i've never been more uncomfortable in my life

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Weird! - Yungblud

( this song includes coarse language)


"Well, I'd say it won't happen again but I think we both know it will."


I tilted my head a little as a tried to look at the picture from a different angle. When that didn't work I laid my phone on a pillow and did a headstand to try an upside-down view. Of course, I've never been very good at headstands and ended up falling onto my butt.

My roommates were unfazed but the large crash from the other end of the room, as it wasn't anything out of the ordinary from me so I had to wave my hand about to get Mina's attention.

"Hey!" I barked because manners are overrated. "Min, can you look at this outfit Zane sent to me please?"

It's hard to call one person over without the other coming so both Kat and Mina peered at the picture with mild intrigue.

"He should switch out that sweater for a jacket," Mina said immediately.

"Yeah, something light and casual so he doesn't look too bulky," Kat added smoothly. Both Mina and I looked at him like he grew another head. He shifted self-consciously. "What? I like watching talk shows, sometimes they discuss fashion."

I let out a loud scoff but Mina shushed me with a scolding look. "I think a good fashion sense is a very attractive trait," Mina told him with a smile. His cheeks flushed red and he sunk behind the couch like a turtle retreating into its shell. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at them as I went to my phone to give Zane their judgement. It was replied with a good, old-fashioned thumbs up.

It always surprised me that Zane knew what emojis were. I had assumed his texting habits would resemble a senior citizen but I was delightfully proven wrong each time.

I rebounded with a large array of symbols, smashing my thumbs onto the little faces until a code only I knew was displayed across the screen. He didn't say anything for a moment, I didn't expect him to since most didn't know what to do with the plethora of yellow heads. The ones I choose often range from big smiles, blown kisses, and the one wearing the cowboy hat because why not?

I put down my phone, thinking that would be the end of the conversation but then I felt a buzz at my hip. Curiously, I picked it up and laughed suddenly in shock when the basic smiley face appeared beneath my emoji spam. It was calm, simple, sticking out alone on the white background. But it made a beautiful contrast to my exuberant message.

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