CHAPTER TWO | i argue with a know-it-all profesional scientist

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CHAPTER TWO | i argue with a know-it-all professional scientist

CHAPTER TWO | i argue with a know-it-all professional scientist

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COFFEE - Reinaeiry


"Don't be a butt. It's as simple as that."


Now I was already having a bad day before all this happened. I had one of those pimples on the inside of your nose. They are nice because no one can see them but horrible because they are so gosh-darn painful!

Anyways, it had been a few days of interning there and I had quickly learned that even though I got my own special job of doodling I still had the demeaning task of getting people coffee. Honestly, coffee's a trap, it smells nice and you think 'this might taste good'. Then you drink it and BOOM! It's the most disgusting thing you've ever consumed. Minus the escargot my next door neighbour had brought to a pot luck. I'm sorry, I just can't eat snails.

Where was I? Oh yes. People who work in businesses, offices, and all that, have a lot of coffee. So much coffee that the coffee maker in the conference room broke. Apparently, George, (the guys I threw my book at by accident), was too lazy to do it himself so I was stuck walking all the way down the stairs to get four mugs of bitter bean-water.

I muttered to myself for awhile, adjusting the sleeves of my sweater before climbing into the room where I thought the coffee machine was.

A high pitched shriek erupted.

Shsidnryiebe, that's the men's washroom.

"Sorry! Sorry!" I scrambled out as quickly as I could, averting my eyes. When I slammed the door behind me I glanced up to the obvious symbol on the door. I stuck my tongue out at the sign before marching to the correct spot.

It was huge engineering lab with all the fancy stuff. Robots, technology, electronic chairs because people are to lazy to move... oOh! And a vending machine!

I spotted the suspicious tall boy with the very light blonde hair at the coffee machine as well. I think his name was .... Zack? We've briefly seen each other, he mostly worked with all the robot stuff and did filing. I heard the interns whispering about how weird he was. (which was saying something because we were all weird)

I gave him a nod and snagged four coffee cups, rifling through the little coffee packages for the ones requested. Zack glanced at me and hesitantly smiled back. I squeezed around him and tried to figure out how to work the machine. Zack watched as I jabbed random buttons for a few seconds. At last he silently pushed the capsule in and pressed the button.

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