Geek Karamatsu

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Originally written by Clever Dana (me)

Art by Clever Dana (me)

Please check me out on DeviantArt for more art.

You are a new student in this highschool. You don't know anyone, and you feel nervous about it. Let's just say you are a shy girl. You looked on your schedule to which class you are suppose to be in. Once you found it, you entered. The whole classroom chaged their eyes from the teacher to you. The teacher looks at you, and greets you with tired eyes.

"Hello. Are you the new student?"

"Uhm, uh, well, uhm, yes." You stuttered. You were embarrased.

"Ok then. Everyone, this is our new student, Y/N L/N. They are from (country). Please welcome them." The teacher said. Then looks at you, "Sit down behind Karla, he's the one in blue."

You were confused to what he meant by "the one in blue". You looked around the class to figure out who he was. But luckily, Karla, you supposed, raised his hand. You sat in the seat right behind him. YOu noticed how everyone in the class made annoyed and irrated faces. But you just ignored them. "Okay, class, let's get back where we were." The teacher announced.

"Hey, I'm Karla Pinefield. Welcome to our school" Karla said, holding his hand so you could shake it. You looked at his hand, and slowly shaked it. He showed a warm smile, to which you blushed.

AT LUNCH......

You weren't sure where to sit. So you tried to find an empty table. But that changed once you heard someone call your name.

"Hey, L/N-kun! Over here!" It was Karla. You were embarrassed by the fact he yelled your name. But you were still happy to know he invited you. You walked up to where he was. Apparently, he was sitting with his brothers. They were sextuplets. They all looked alike. But they wore different colors and had different expressions. You knew it would take sometime to actually differentiate them.

"L/N-kun, meet my burazas. Orson, Charlie, Itchy, Juicy, and Todd."

"Hey, can I call you L/N-chan?" Orson asked.

"Orson, stop it." Charlie told him.

"Sorry, I was just asking. Heh."

"Welcome to hell." Itchy said.

"Itchy. Why are you so negative today?" Juicy asked.

"He's always like that Juicy." Todd responded.

You were a bit anxious since you didn't know what to say.

"So, L/N-kun, what did you bring for lunch?" Karla asked, changing the subject.

"O-Oh, I brought a-a s-sandwhich and ap-pples." You stuttered shyly.

"That sounds delicious!" Juicy said.

You smiled at that comment. His smile was bery contagious, so you couldn't help but smile back at him. But once you smiled, Karla gasped. You were confused by it.

"I never thought your smile would be pretty." He said, with a warm smile. You blushed intensely. You never been complimented like that before. It was a weird feeling and you liked it. But it was still freaky.

"Oi, shitty Karla, you're going to make her faint." Itchy said.

"Oh, I didn't know, I'm- I'm sorry." Karla apologised, with cute watery brown eyes. You blushed even more.

"Look what you did Karla!" Todd yelled.

"Huh?" Karla was confused, he didn't know what he was doing wrong.

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