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If you guys don't know, Yakuza is a Japanese Mafia. Karamatsu is basically in a gangster family. 

Art by takos-osomatsusan (tumblr)

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You were heading to the interrogation room. Apparently the police managed to get one of the Matsuno brothers, from the Matsuno Family. They have been causng a ton of problems for sometime now. Lately, the Matsuno family has been fighting with another Yakuza family. You weren't sure what the big deal was but they asked you to interrogate the one they captured. 

"L/N-san! We are glad to see you here." An officer said. He bowed and so did you.

"I am proud to be here. May you give me the details as take me to the interrogation room?" You suggested.

"Of course. Follow me." The officer said. You worked as a criminal psychologist (A/N: I actually want to become one so this is going to be in my actual view.) You're job was to read the person's behavior and words to narrow down a close pyschological diagnose of what he person is positioned in. You followe the officer through a hallway. It was quiet.

"Okay. The man you are about to interregate is named Karamatsu Matsuno. As you already know, he is part of the Matsuno family, a Yakuza clan. We caught him 2 days ago. He wasn't alone on that day. His brothers were seen with him, but we managed to capture only him. We don't know where the others went. Matsuno is a dramatic and a painful man. I do suggest you to be careful around him." The officer said.

"Thank you. I think I will do just fine. I really appreciate the information you have just provided me." You thanked him. The officer stops in front of a door, numbered in 5242. 

"Good luck miss. We'll have a guard right here if anything happens." The officer said. You nodded, thanking him, allowing him to leave. You take a deep breathe and sigh. Your hand moves to the knob, slowly opening it. The room was dark, with only one light on. You walk inside and close the oor behind you with a lock. You turn around to see a table in the middle. The light shined enough to see the man you were about to interrogate. He had a perculiar look on his face. His hair was swiftily put with clear sign of gel. His eyebrows were twitched as fierce sharp knifes. His very own pressence was unwelcoming and strange. But you didn't fear him. You had this weird gut feeling that it will all be okay. 

You walk to the table and sit down in front of the man. You notice that his hands were handcuffed, but he was not tied up. Usually a criminal or a murderer is needed to be tired up in case of any mishap. But simple sight of him with only hands cuffed, you could tell this man was going to be calm and cooperative. He probably won't answer your questions, but it's not like you can take hints from their behavior. 

"Hello. My name is Y/N L/N. I'm a detective, criminal psychologist. I'll be interrogating you starting today." You introduce yourself to the man. His eyes were calm, and he gives a simple nod. He seemed scared. You were uncertain why however. 

"Okay then. Even though I already have your name, we must do a procedure. Could you please state your name to me?" You asked him. He glances his eye to the floor. By the way he was nervous moving them, he was afraid of something. He might be shy. Or simply scared of what will happen to him. He stayed quiet for a few seconds before speaking.

"Karamatsu. Karamatsu Matsuno." He said. You blushed at his voice. It was deep and soft. You never thought a criminal would have such attractive voice. You shook your head, throwing away that thought. You looked down at your files, and read them before looking back at him. He was patient, waiting for you to do something. 

"Okay. Based on what I read, you are part of the Matsuno family, who are yakuzas. Correct?" 

"yes." He responded.

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