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Credit to artist kyosein from twitter (No, seriously, give him all the credit he deserves. He's amazing!)

You are from a tribal village. Your culture was different from any other. You were just an ordinary girl who grew up listening to the legends and stories. You didn't believe in them. But you certainly remember how detailed they were. And so far, one of your favorite were the 6 little wolves. It was a story your grandma told every festival day. 

"A long time ago, there was a man who was strong and brave. He went hunting on one night, despite the warnings he was told by his family. "Don't go, there is a goddess in those woods. She will curse you for life." They would say. But the man didn't care.  So he entered in the deep woods. As he was hunting, he began to realize how late it was. He was about to leave, until he heard a wolf's howl. The man was scared. Wolfs were told to eat any intruders from the rivers at night. He began to run. Run, run, and run. Only to find out he was lost. Suddenly, he hears the bushes shaking. He was so scared he didn't know what to do. So he stood still and waited for the wolf to come out. When it did, he realized the wolf was not any wolf. It was radiant white and glowing. It was very precious. The wolf did othing to him as it walked closer to the man. The man felt a calm pressence and his fears suddenly disappeared. He began to pet the wolf softly, knowing it will not kill him. Suddenly, there was a voice. A calm and beautiful voice. The man stood up, alerted by the voice he has heard. The white wolf was the one speaking to him. "Because you have not attacked me with your weapon, you are granted a gift that shall be kept by your word. You have proven yourself to be strong, brave, and fearless." The wolf said. The white wolf changed its form into a beautiful woman. She was a goddess. The man immediately falls in love with her. "Your gift will be knife, for which you shall not use to kill, but to cut out blood for my calls." She said. Years passed by, and the man and goddess have fallen in love. They had children. 6 healthy boys. They were not magical or immortal. They were humans just like the man. Sadly, one day, a huge prize was given out for whoever kills the precious wolf. The man was bllinded by the money it would give. He broke his promise by stabbing the goddess, his love. "Because you have broke your promise and my heart, your 6 sons will become wolves in every full moon to kill you and any of your people. The greediness of your soul has blinded not only your eyes, but of humanity's." And so, the 6 boys turned into hidious monsters. They killed the man, and anyone who would go out to the woods in a full moon." 

"Is this real?" A kid asked your grandma.

"Oh of course it is! That's why we have a rule not to go out in a full moon. It is best to stay here with your family than chase some animals. Nature calls and we should listen." Your grandma said. 

You have always wanted to go into the woods. You are barely allowed to since you have duties to do. The village needs your help to raise up. But you have already decided you will tonight. "G-Grandma, have their ever been any survivors of those wolves?" You asked.

"Y-yes. Some managed to get away from them but soon died within seconds. " 

"And no one has been able to kill the wolves?" A kid asked.

"No one. And I doubt there will ever be. How would it be to witness such majestic creatures....It is best to leave them alone. I'm sure they want peace after their mother's death." Your grandma said. 

"R-right." You muttered.

Full Moon Night...

You grabbed your bags and packed anything you need. You have already decided on this. And you will finally get to explore the woods. You made sure everyone in the village has fallen asleep. You tiptoed your way to the woods entrance. You took a huge breathe before taking another step.

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