Chapter 1. The beginning. *Edited*

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He was captivated.

The way the figures on the television danced along the ice, as if they were made to do it. The way they bent, and twirled, and jumped, and slid along the ice.

It was like they were flying. Their wings invisible to everyone but themselves.

The six year old was brought out of his revelry by an untimely and somewhat hysterical shrill yell of "Come along now, boy!" From his toothpick of an aunt.

A harsh grip accompanied by nails digging into his shoulder is what finally pulled his attention away from the figures seen dancing in the shopping centres television.

Looking back Harry made a decision, he was gonna fly. He was going to become just like those people on the screen.


The sound of small feet pattering across the gravel in a rush was heard throughout the otherwise silent street.

A much louder cacophony of sounds, feet hitting gravel, rocks grinding on rocks, yells of excitement and anger, all followed after the pattering.

Harry being much smaller than his whale of a cousin, and his cousins big but dumb friends, was faster. Although he was malnourished, extremely small for his age, and should theoretically not be able to out run a pack of somewhat healthy if overweight boys, he was able to do so easily. He was used to it after all, they called it a game, Harry hunting. Where if he got caught he got hit, so he ran, he always ran.

He was having a bad day, and he didn't want his cousin and his cousins gang to make it worse. Harry used this as motivation, with the fear of getting caught stuck in his head he ran further away, hopefully away from what he knew was going to be a bad beating.

Turning a corner and running down a shadowed alley at full speed he almost ran straight into a pile of garbage cans.

Getting an idea Harry lined the garbage cans up so that at least three of the boys following him hit them.

Hearing the noise of yells getting louder Harry ran out of the other side of the alley. Unsure of where to go Harry just kind of ran for a bit.

Hearing yells of outrage and obvious threats he ran into a slightly dilapidated building situated to his left.

With his back on the shut door and holding his panting breath Harry listened for the yells. His breath hitching further as the noise was right outside before relaxing as they got further away.

Eyes closed and breath unsteady Harry was started out of his internal celebration by the sounds of music and a slight grating sound.

Confused he followed the noise to a sort of stadium and what he found brought him immense joy.

He found a lone person. Dancing on ice, just like the people in the television last week. With a jolt he realised the grating sound was the persons blades shredding the ice as he flew by.

Harry wanted to make that sound.

With all the courage he could muster Harry started down the stairs and found himself standing just beyond the short wall separating the seats from the ice.

Calling out, his voice small and timid, a barely discernible "hello" could be heard over the music, just before a startled yelp and thud occurred.

The figure laying on the ice looked up confused. Finding a small doll looking boy the figure startled.

Harry thinking he hurt the person started shaking and spitting half finished apologies, his eyes finding the floor to be much more interesting then it was ten seconds ago. What he didn't see was the fond, if not confused smile the figure had on his face.

The feeling of a hand gently running through his hair stopped Harry mid apology. Looking up he was met with warm blue eyes, looking like someone took the ocean and decided they would look nice as a pair of eyes. His silvery - white hair sparkling like fallen snow.

"What are you doing here, young one?" The question was warm, if not confused, no hint of anger in it. Just plain confusion, maybe a bit of worry. A very heavy accent could be heard, not the normal British found in Surrey, but a foreign accent, it was somewhat difficult to make out the words spoken.

Unable to help himself Harry blurted, "Who're you?"

With a resounding chuckle the figure answered "Me? Well I'm-"

A/N: who should it be?

Also sorry for not updating, life has been a bit hectic and the internet here is poop. But I should be able to update more now! If there are any mistakes please comment so I can fix them, I don't have anyone to beta this.

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