Chapter 2. Learing to Skate. *Edited*

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"Me? Well I'm Viktor Nikiforov. It's nice to meet you, young one."

Harry stared in awe as the man in front of him pushed his bangs back and a blinding smile adorned his face. To Harry the smile seemed to light up the room, as if it was the sun.

"Your name?" Is what snapped him out of his internal thoughts of how this persons smile could probably out shine anything below the sun.

With a small stutter and creeping blush he responds with a slightly panicked "A-ah, me? I'm- I'm Harry. Harry Potter. It's nice to meet you sir."

"Well Harry, what brings you here?" Another blinding smile shot in Harry's direction.

It was all he could do to withhold his wince, shrugging and stuttering his answer was more of a question then a statement of "I- I uh- I wanted to- uh to- see what was- was inside this place?"

Viktor, not believing him let it go and instead asked what Harry thought of the place.

Harry being the bright person he is, note the heavy sarcasm, enthusiastically answered with "It's great! I really liked when you were skating! It was just like the person I saw the on television at the mall!!"

It was silent for a moment as Viktor stared into Harry's sparkling eyes. In that moment he made a split second decision. He would train Harry to be a figure skater, only if that's what Harry wanted.

With a hand running through his hair and another smile Viktor proposed his question.

"How would you like it if I taught you how to skate?"

It took everything in Harry to not shout, although he wasn't very successful in that endeavour. His 'yes!' louder than any of his previous answers.

Another chuckle and head ruffle was the reaction to his answer.


It had been three months since Harry agreed to Viktor's tutelage. So far he was progressing greatly. He could skate both forward and was starting to skate backwards, he didn't need to hold onto the rails like he did at the beginning and he was falling down less then when he first started.

Harry was excited to be doing something he thought was beautiful and couldn't wait to be able to perform, although he wasn't fond of attention being on him he wanted to show the Dursley's that he was something, he wanted to show his bullies that they weren't important to him, he wanted to show the world what he could one day accomplish, and with Viktor as his coach he knew that would happen. Harry never complained, he took everything in stride and soaked up all of Viktors' knowledge like a sponge. Well almost all of Viktors' knowledge, he mostly ignored whatever Viktor said about love, he didn't trust Viktors opinions on how to go about dating someone, especially with how Viktor talked about his lovely pork cutlet bowl. Harry didn't want to know what that was about.


It has been six months since Harry accepted Viktor's coaching. So far Harry had met some of Viktor's friends. Those friends being one Katsuki Yuuri (who he found out was the pork bowl Viktor liked to talk about), Yuri Plitsetsky, Christophe Giacometti, Otabek Altin and Phichit Chulanont. Although being extremely shy and not really speaking to them Harry liked Viktor's friends, they were funny. Harry hoped that by the next meeting he would be able to speak to them more.

With Harry's training, well he was doing great, he was able to jump now, although he didn't land very well. He was happy with his progress.


It had been a little more than a year since Harry and Viktor started skating. Harry was seven now.

He was also a lot more confident then he was when they first met. Mostly due to Viktor finding out about Harry's less then favourable home life. Viktor being the confident person he is pressed charges and filed for custody of Harry. It took very little for the Dursley's to be convicted guilty, both petunia and Vernon getting sentenced to a minimum of 5 years for child neglect and child abuse, while Dudley was sent to his nearest relatives care, aunt Marge.

With both the adult Dursley's getting sentence to prison and there being proof that Viktor was an adult trusted by Harry he was given custody with annual social welfare checks. For Harry it was great having a family again, he started calling Viktor Papa, even going as far as calling Viktor's friends his uncles, minus Yuuri, who he called Otosan. Harry was excited to have an actual family, one that cared for him and he couldn't wait for the coming years.

Otosan = father

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