Visiting Gringotts *Edited*

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The time to get Harry's school things from Diagon Alley arrived. It was the weekend after Harry's birthday and there was a little less then a month to grab Harry's school supplies as well as pack and study all he could about magic.

The Nikiforov household was chaotic. Both Harry and Viktor were running around trying to get ready, I mean what do you wear for your first time in the wizarding world?

This went on for another half hour before Harry just decided to wear what he would to the parties he and his papa and otosan would attend. A button up green shirt a shade darker than emerald with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows with sleek black slacks and a pair of sleek formal leather shoes, his shoulder length hair out and just barely curled at the ends, his fringe covering his scar. As well as using the making his uncle Chris taught him to apply in order to cover it, Harry had seen some people looking at his scar and gotten insecure so he had asked his uncle Chris to show him how to hide it like uncle Chris did with the bruises on his neck.

Harry waited for his papa and otosan to get ready for another ten minutes before walking up and flicking his papa's nose. Once Viktor stopped pacing Harry directed him to wear the white button up shirt, black slacks and the black shoes his papa normally wore. Before turning to his otosan, who appeared to be on the verge of a panic attack and calmly held his cheeks and looking into his eyes, he helped his otosan calm his breathing before showing him to his parents closet and picking out a white button up shirt, navy blue slacks, black shoes, a black belt, before styling his hair out of his eyes and handing him a pair of correction contacts.

Finally ready they left the house, locking up as they went, and left to get some cash out, not knowing if this wizarding bank took card or not they decided not to attempt it and went with the safe option of cash.

With a few thousand dollars out, cause let's face it Viktor likes to spoil Harry, they set out to find this leaking cauldron pub place thing that the secondary letter mentioned.

After driving around aimlessly for a while Harry finally spotted the building, directing his papa to park in the free spot a few buildings ahead of their destination before walking into the pub. Walking up to the bartender Harry used his best polite voice to ask where the entrance to diagon alley was, saying it was his first time and his papa's weren't magical.

The bartender flashed a smile that was missing teeth and lead the duo to the back patio, using his wand to tap an intricate pattern onto the brick wall before them, instructing Harry to watch closely.


Harry was mesmerised.

It was like when he first saw that figure skater on the television when he was younger. Beautiful and attention grabbing. Both his papa and otosan weren't much better. Everyone just stopping themselves from gaping and having enough will power to walk towards the large white building in the centre of the Alley.

Walking up the steps they find short stocky creatures with spears that sneered at them as the passed. Words on the door warning them from stealing less they wish for a horribly painful death. Inside was just as grand as the outside, white marble lined the inside mixing with black, huge pillars sprouted along the space with accents of gold, a chandelier delicately hung from the ceiling.

Walking up to the first free teller he found Harry patiently waited. The creature behind ignored Harry for a few minutes but when the young boy did not in fact leave lifted its head and ground out a low "what do you want?" wishing the annoying wizard would leave already.

The goblin didn't expect the polite borderline kind smile aimed in his direction. The bright "I'd like to exchange some non magical money for magical money, please." Startled him so much that he lost his sneer.

Gathering his wits back the goblin asked for his name. What he wasn't expecting was Harry Potter-Nikiforov as the answer. Loosing all kinds of negative emotions the goblin rushed to get Harry into a back room, calling out to another goblin in a strange language.

Once in the account room the goblin that first greeted the duo left, leaving them alone. It was but a few minutes before a different goblin came in, announcing himself to be Griphook, the Potter families account manager. The first thing the goblin did was ask for an inheritance test, similar to a non magical blood test but would show any and all inheritances and magical discrepancies.

Harry not thinking anything of it dropped the necessary three drops of blood onto the parchment placed before him. It took no more than five seconds before the blood disappeared and in its place was spiralling black ink forming words that he couldn't quite read just yet.

The goblin in front of Harry snatched the parchment before the ink could settle and read what the magic had shown. An eyebrow raised the further down he got.

Griphook handed the parchment to Harry who lent over a bit so Viktor and Yuuri could read it over his shoulder. What he read shocked him.

"Is this real? Was there a mistake?" The paper in Harry's hand shook.

Saddened by the young wizards tone the goblin nodded softly, recalling what the paper had said.

Name: Hadrian James Potter-Nikiforov
Date of Birth: 31st July 1980
Father: James Fleamont Potter ~ Alive
              Viktor Nikiforov ~ Alive |legal and magical guardian|
             Yuuri Katsuki ~ Alive |legal and magical guardian|
Mother: Lily Potter née Evans ~ Alive
God Father/s: Sirius Orion Black ~ Alive
                           Remus Lupin ~ Alive
                           Frank Longbottom ~ Alive |Medically unfit|
                     Phichit Chulanont ~ Alive
God Mother/s: Alice Longbottom née Smith ~ Alive |Medically unfit|
                            Minerva McGonagall ~ Alive
Sibling/s: Nathanial Charlus Potter |Brother ~ twin| ~ Alive
                   Roseline Lilith Potter |sister ~ younger| ~ Alive
Inherited Lord/heir ships: Lord Peverell ~ paternal line
                              Lord Gryffindor ~ paternal line
                              Lord Le Fay ~ magic
                              Lord Emrys ~ maternal line + magic
Lord Ravenclaw ~ maternal line
                              #Heir Potter# |disowned ~ unable to claim| ~ paternal line
                              Heir black |primary| ~ blood adoption 
Heir Hufflepuff ~ |Secondary| ~ magic
Inherited Properties: #Potter Estate# |disowned ~ unable to claim|
                                         Godrics Hollow |in ruins|
                                        Peverell Castle
                                        Peverell Manor
                                        Gryffindor Manor
                                        Le Fay Castle
                                        Emrys Manor
Black Manor
                                        Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Ravenclaw Palace
Rowenas Chataeu
Hufflepuff Estate
Helgas Cottage
Hogwarts - 50% privately owned. 25% shared
13 other minor vacation houses around the world.
Inherited Vaults: Numbers;
Magical Discrepancies: BLOCKS;
Eye sight - 58%
Magical core - 35% |broken 15%|
Wandless magic - 25% |broken 50%|
Occlumency - 100%
Legilimency - 100%
Intelligence - 25% |broken 25%|
Parceltongue - 100%
Parcelmagic - 100%

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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