The Letter *Edited*

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Sorry about the crappy photo, I looked up classes and those where the ones that came up so I spread it around a bit. I tried to make it somewhat evenly spread and coloured it to make it easier, please ignore my shorty handwriting I haven't had to write anything for over a month and I'm writing on an A5 book (smaller then an A4).

Enjoy reading!

It had been five years since Viktor and Harry met and a little over four since they became family.

At first it was a little difficult. Strange things would happen when Harry felt sad or angry, but they also happened when Harry felt happy.

So Harry got homeschooled, it wasn't so bad, his uncles would come over and everyone would teach him languages, performing arts and English. Separately they taught him two other classes each by themselves, and during his 'free periods' or the times when he didn't have a set class he was allowed to do his own thing, which was usually meditation or home economics, although he didn't have many free periods.

Uncle Christophe taught him Sex Ed (that was an awkward hour the first few times) and Physical education. Uncle Phitchit taught him about social studies and technology. His Papa Viktor taught him Geography and maths. His Otosan Yuuri taught him about music and visual arts. Uncle Yuri taught about zoology, especially cats, and psychology. His uncle Otabek taught science and history. If they couldn't teach him they hired tutors for their subjects. Harry had a very busy schedule, but he loved it, it meant he was never bored for long.

When the strange things started happening around Viktor, Harry got scared that he would do the same things that the Dursley's did to Harry and hurt him.

Viktor didn't, he reassured Harry that he wasn't mad or scared, that the strange things happening were miracles.

So less and less strange things started happening. Well off the ice that is.

When Harry skated he felt a serene calmness wash over him, he felt happy, and when he did music would start playing, and sparkles of magic appeared, although neither knew it was magic.

The first time this happened Harry fell so hard that he bruised his forearm and sprained an ankle. He didn't skate for a month, but he missed the feeling.

So Harry decided to skate again, and when the music started again Harry stumbled but didn't fall. The music stopped.

Harry being the bright boy he is, kept skating, he kept hearing the music. And eventually he grew to like the music.

With the music he could skate whatever he felt like, he didn't need to stick to a theme as the music would change to fit his dance.

Harry started skating more around his uncles. They were startled at the music but accepted that Harry was special. They each taught Harry something when it came to skating, whether it was flexibility, or sensuality, or step sequences, or even jumps, although the jumps were often left with Viktor as well as the combinations.

Once Harry was comfortable with the music on the ice he tried to make it off the ice. It didn't work at first, he didn't feel as serene or happy off the ice as he did on. So he started meditating, he was told that helps make people calm and serene, and for a few months nothing happened.

That was until Harry stopped wishing and demanding for the music to come and instead asked, instead he waited for it to show itself.

He wasn't disappointed. When he waited for the music to show he felt calm, and that's when it came. The music. Elated he snapped his eyes open and saw some of the items in his room floating.

They dropped the minute he saw them and the music stopped.

Harry wanted to try it again, to see if he could make them float. They only did when he brought the music forward.

Harry thought that was cool. His music could make things float! Then he got scared, no one he knew could make things float, so Harry practiced, he made sure he could play his music without the things floating. He also made sure he could make things float with his music spreading, he heard his music in his head but he didn't let anybody else hear it. Harry was happy again, he could make things float and no one would know it was him.


Harry was skating, whenever he had free time if he wasn't meditating or cooking he was skating.

He let his music start, he didn't see his papa watching him, his music drowning everything else out.

When Harry stopped his papa started clapping, which got Harry's attention.

The thick envelope under his papa's arm also got his attention. So Harry quickly skated over to his papa to see what it was. Only to find out it was for Harry.

So Harry took it and opened it. Inside the envelope was a letter written on thick paper, it said that Harry was a wizard, that Harry could do magic, and that this Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry would teach him to control it.

At first Harry didn't believe it. Magic wasn't real, that's what the Dursley's said, but then Harry thought about it. He could create music from nothing, he could make things float, the strange things happening before he got a bit of control.

So Harry told his papa and they decided that he would go, but only if he kept up with his studies and wrote to his family at least once a week to keep them updated.

They wrote a letter back to the deputy headmistress asking where he could get his supplies from as he has never heard of magic before, and asked how they would get to Hogwarts.

They got a letter back apologising for not explaining the way there but gave a detailed description of how to get into the platform and a different explanation of how to get to Diagon Alley and the best way to traverse the place.

Harry and Viktor decided that they would go to Diagon Alley a few days before Harry's birthday, that way they could get any last minute birthday presents for Harry. They decided that they would go on the trip together first before going again with the others.

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