~Prologue (I)~

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Arabella Smith is a normal half-blooded witch that even though she's lived most of her life amongst muggles, her fascination over magic has never ceased to exist. William Smith her father, worked at the Ministry of Magic focusing on Muggle-Wizard relations protecting muggles from the potential dangers that the magical world could bring to them, seeing as he comes from a pureblood family, he got a lot of criticism for the choice of lifestyle he made and more so when times became tougher and tougher with the blood status discrimination going around. Amelia Smith, his wife, a muggle,  works as a pediatrics surgeon at the local hospital. It was a huge shock for Amelia the first time William told her about the Wizarding World but even after knowing all of that and the dangers she could live, she was hopelessly devoted to him leading to the existence of Ara.


Arabella's POV

Lily and I have known each other for so long I can't even remember what was my first impression of her, we're even neighbors thanks to our mums being the best of friends. Whenever we meet someone new we tell them we're sisters, obviously, that doesn't work out seeing as I have dark brown hair and blue eyes, whereas Lily has fiery red hair and green eyes. Usually, people just smile and nod at us with a concerned look on their faces, that was until we met Severus.

I still remember that day like it was yesterday, Lily and I were outside on her lawn when all of the sudden she noticed a family was moving into the house next to her. The second she saw them she wouldn't shut up about the fact that we had to go present ourselves to them, especially because she saw that there was a boy who looked close to our age.

"Come on Ara, we don't want to be disrespectful," Lily said while trying to pull me up to my feet.

"Yes Lils, I know, but can't we do that later? I'm really enjoying the fact that I'm seating, plus they look like they're really busy, the last thing they need is for us to go over there and interrupt their progress," I said trying to reason with Lily

"Ugh you're so lazy"

"Hey I am not lazy, they just look really busy and I don't want to interrupt"

"Ohh so you didn't just say and I quote 'I'm really enjoying the fact that I'm seating"

"Alright fine, but you talk first so if I need to I can make a run for it and escape"

"Yayyy let's go"

As we were walking towards them I noticed that the boy was already looking at us, well, more Lily than me.

"Hi, excuse me, I'm Lily Evans and this is Arabella Smith," she said pointing at me, I just smiled politely, "we wanted to come by and introduce ourselves, we're your neighbors, my house is this one," she said now pointing at her house, "and hers is the one across the road if you ever need anything you can come to us." she finished with a big smile on her face.

"Ohhh how wonderful it is to know that two little angels live in this neighborhood, I'm Eileen Prince, and this is my son Severus," the woman said while smiling down at her son

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," I paused for a second and looked at Severus "Hey, would you like to come with us for a while, if it's okay by you Mrs. Prince"

"It's more than okay, you can go Sev," Mrs. Prince said, giving Severus a little push towards us and smiled, "Go have fun, I'll deal with all this stuff"

"Thanks, mum," Severus said

"We're going to be great friends, I can already tell," said Lily while grabbing Severus' arm and pulling him back to the spot we were seating on previously.

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