Bubblegum Bitch

102 4 413

~ 5th Year 1975 ~

3rd person POV


To be fair she has been waiting for an hour just for Ara to wake up and then for thirty minutes for her to finally get up and shower.

Ara heard her yelling from the bottom of the stairs and rolled her eyes. Contemplating whether she should jump back into bed or not.

It's not that she didn't want to go back to Hogwarts, because she did, she's just really lazy and would rather sleep than have to get ready. If Arabella could, she would cast a spell that gets her ready without having to get up at all, but,

1. it doesn't exist, or at least not one that does exactly that
2. she's an underaged wizard

She misses her friends Alice, Marlene and Mary. She also misses playing quidditch and a certain quidditch player by the name of James Potter.

No, she doesn't have a crush on him, but he's become like a brother figure to her so it's obvious she'll miss him. Although the first meeting was a bit, you could say, rough, she realized that he was actually a nice and caring person, the same couldn't be said about Lily.

Lily, although being hit on by James since day one, despises his guts, or at least that's what she tells herself. Ara believes she's hiding the truth because Lily could never be caught dead with someone like James, not only because of his personality but also because of his group of friends, the so-called 'Marauders'.

The Marauders, formed by four of Hogwart's best, well, one of them at least. James Potter, the leader of the gang. Sirius Black, James' right-hand and the ladies man. Remus Lupin, the brains, the one that brings balance to the group. And finally, Peter Pettigrew, which some would consider him to be the shadow of James and Sirius because he didn't show a 'unique' enough quality. Separate, each of them had redeeming qualities, together... well, together they were a ticking bomb waiting to explode, especially James and Sirius.

This four troublemakers were nothing more but troublemakers in Lily's eyes, except from Remus, but she sometimes also considered him to be a bit of a troublemaker as well. Their speciality is pranking people but there was one specific target that they wouldn't even let have a second to breathe, and this target happened to Severus Snape, one of Arabella's and Lily's closest friend.

To be honest, nobody ever understood why they treated him this way when all he did was say that Slytherin was better. While Severus and Lily didn't find the pranks funny, Arabella had to disagree and think that at least one or two of the pranks have been really funny but that's what differentiated Arabella from Lily and even Snape. Lily and Snape were more of a stuck-up, always follow the rules type, while Arabella was more of a free spirit, doing things as they come never truly preparing herself, making her the reason for balance in the trio's life and the reason why she actually gets along with the boys.

"Shut up Lils I'm ready, there's no need to keep yelling," Ara said as she walked down the stairs carrying her bags, well, more like dragging them down.

"Do you need my help sweetie?" William Smith said as he watched his daughter struggle with her luggage, laughing a little at her.

"NO! I can do this on my own, I have everything under-" the bag she was dragging fell open cutting her off mid-sentence, "...control"

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