Ara's Theory

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3rd person POV

The first month of the school year was coming to an end, classes, quidditch practices and pranks were all doing great, except for the occasional panic over the O.W.L. exams that every fifth year had to take.

"These exams will definitely be the death of me, I don't even understand their purpose. Not only of O.W.L.'s but exams overall why would they need to test our knowledge on subjects we will most likely never need to use in our real lives" argued Marlene as the girls walked into the Great Hall for lunch.

"I completely agree with you Mars, they're just there to stress students and push them to their breaking point," Arabella replied moving her hands around to emphasize more the argument she was displaying.

"Ohh come on you two, there's honestly nothing you should worry about we will all do perfectly fine," Lily said trying to contain the girls worry.

"Well yeah, you say that because you literally started studying the second we had everything set up in our dorm," Marlene told the redhead as they made their way to their usual seats at the Gryffindor table.

"Guys, have you seen Frank today?" Alice asked the group sitting down next to Arabella.

"Nope," said three of the girls in unison.

"Pretty sure I saw him having a chat with James... which reminds me that I have some things to sort out with a certain member of his gang," Ara said as she piled food onto her plate.

"Ooh, are you finally going to confess your undying feelings to Sirius," Mary said as she sat in front of Ara.

"What the fu- What would I even need to confess? and no, it's not him who I need to talk to,"

"Honestly Ara, I'm starting to believe that you are the one who needs glasses instead of Ja-" Lily paused to correct herself and then continued "- Potter, because you're clearly too blind to see what's happening in front of you"

"And what exactly is happening in front of me?"

"Ohh come on Ara you can't be that oblivious, it's clear that there's something between the two of you," said Alice

"Yes it's clear and it's called air, it's between all of us actually," Ara said in the most serious tone trying with the hopes that it would cause a change of topic in the conversation and it seemed to work because after that comment the only thing she received was a bunch of eye-rolling and a couple of snickers here and there.

"Anyways... where did you see them talking? James and Frank" asked Ali looking at the girl.

"Near the courtyard I believe, I wasn't paying that much attention to my surroundings if I'm being honest"

"Why? Was someone distracting you?"

"Something. Yes"

"What is it?" asked Marlene looking up from her food.

"Uhh, nothing just the O.W.L.'s"

"Ohhh yeah, eww hate that," replied Mars returning to her food.

In reality, it wasn't the O.W.L.'s that were distracting Ara, it was something much more complicated and much more sensitive, that if it is actually true, it wouldn't be something she should be sharing with everyone, especially without the consent from the party in question.

Since halfway through the first year, Ara noticed that her friend Remus was getting sick once a month and coincidentally it would always be when they neared the full moon and he would disappear for a day. Of course, she didn't make the connection with the full moon for the first two years and decided to dismiss it as a weird coincidence that happened once a month. In the third year, she started to notice a pattern but last year, she chose to pay close attention to his random 'sickness' while also keeping tabs on the moon cycle, which leads us to today, or well, the last couple of weeks.

With the stress of being a fifth year, she didn't have much time to put two and two together, mainly because her father kept reminding her of it and especially the O.W.L.'s. Also because she was spending her summer in Canada far away from reminders about school life, and when she did come back, she spent most of it with Severus and Lily so again, no time to think. But now that she literally sees Remus every day, the topic popped back up and it wasn't until last night that she got a possible answer that could affirm or deny her theory.

"Ara," James snapped and waved his hands in front of Arabella's face, "Earth to Ara... Arabella... ARABELLA LISTEN TO ME WOMAN," he said finally catching her attention. She looked up at him with furrowed brows,

"James, why are you fucking screaming if I'm sitting right in front of you... wait M was there, where is she?"

"I've been trying to get your attention for about," checks his non-watch wearing wrist "umm, dunno, three minutes I believe"

"Five," Sirius jumped in making Lily scoot over so he could sit next to Arabella, "Hello darling," he whispered in her ear and put an arm around her shoulders.

"Hi love," she smiled at him and turned back to James

"Right. Five. and I know, I made her move" points at Mary who's now sitting two people down "see..." he said as he pilled some food on his plate, "I was telling you that quidditch practice is going to happen today instead of tomorrow, apparently the Hufflepuff team had some issues for today so we negotiated to change the schedules"

"It's rude to move people like that,"

"Oi! Are you seriously-" he chuckled for a second "are you siriusly going to scold me for doing that when Sirius literally just made my Lilyflower move seats" Lily almost choked with her food from the nickname but played it off so nobody really questioned her.

Ara just rolled her eyes "When's the practice then?"

"Today, duh, didn't you hear me-"

"Yes I know, I'm asking for the time dumbass,"

"Ouch, I'm not a dumbass, am I Pads?"

"Yes you are," Lily muttered under her breath as she grabbed a bite from her food earning a quiet laugh from Sirius.

"Of course you aren't Prongsy," he said then leaned over to whisper on Ara's ear "Yes he is, but that's between you and me"

"See! Thank you Sirius at least one of my friends knows about respect," James said as he grabbed a bite of his food not noticing the little interaction between Ara and Sirius, "and it's after last period so don't be late, and we share the same class today so you don't have any excuses,"

"You talk about respect then you say something like that, fallacies are the only thing you speak Potter, did you know that?" she said as she brought her hand up to her chest, hitting it dramatically, "You wound me,"

"Fallacies?... uhhh whatever just don't be late"

"Sure sure... I'm never late though," Ara looked around the table looking for the tall, lanky, light brown haired boy who would be typically found with his nose stuck to a book.

"What are you looking for darling" Sirius said finally taking his arm off her shoulder to grab some food.

"Hmm?" she said looking back at Sirius, "Ohh... uh, I'm looking for Rem, I have some things to ask him about... potions"

"Right..." he replied knowing she was lying to him, which he was right but also wrong about "last I saw him, he was making his way to the Black Lake-" he was cut off by Arabella suddenly standing up.

"Thanks love," she leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek and immediately turned around and made her way to the Black Lake before someone could stop her. Sirius stayed there kind of dumbfounded by her actions, she has done that before but today it felt different.

"Sirius," Marlene said catching his attention, "you're getting a little red there" she said motioning around his face and chuckled.

"Shove off sweets" he said returning to his food.



I was going to add the Rem/Ara confrontation bit in this chapter but I think it's too long so you'll have to wait hehe

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