Chapter 40

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Mina's POV

Me and Chaeyoung are at the hospital right now, we're here to see a doctor about the process that we're going to do and we've already talked about this 2 weeks ago so now here we are with Jackson and BamBam—one of them will be the sperm donor.

"Good morning Miss Son." The doctor greeted when Chaeyoung entered first with us following her from behind.

"Have you found a sperm donor already like what I told you?" She asked looking at us while we both nodded our heads and pointed at the two that was on our back.

"One of them will be the sperm donor doc." I said while she nodded her head and talked to us about a few things before we started the procedure with getting a semen from Chaeyoung first before getting a sperm from Jackson—yeah he's going to be the sperm donor we chose him because we can trust him and because we know him. After they got the semen and sperm from Chaeyoung and Jackson the doctor called me so I went inside a room where a mini bed like chair was placed where two nurses were waiting for me and the doctor.

"Are you ready Mrs. Son?" The doctor asked looking at me with a smile while I nodded tho I'm nervous and scared that it might not work but I have to think positive.

"Don't worry Mina-ssi this will just be quick." She said and I nodded again then she put on her mask while I relaxed and just looked at the monitor where I can see what the doctor is doing. After she was done the two nurses helped me sit up properly.

"It's quick right?" She said smiling at me.

"Will it work doc?" I asked as the nurses helped me in getting down and get out of the room with the doctor and was greeted by a Chaeyoung that has a worried face.

"Are you okay? How was it? Is it done?" Chaeyoung continuously asked making all of us in the room chuckle at her behavior.

"Chill Kat she just got out let her sit first at least." BamBam said laughing at Chaeyoung who nodded and lead me to the chair in front of the doctors table.

"To answer your question earlier Mrs. Son, we still have to wait for a few weeks or a month to know if it worked." She said looking at both me and Chaeyoung while we nodded our heads.

"But how do we know that it's working?" Chaeyoung asked while holding and caressing my hand looking at the doctor.

"Well you would know it worked if she experiences morning sickness, breast tenderness; Breasts may be very tender, swollen and start to enlarge but it's normal for pregnant women. Frequent Urination; Pregnancy causes the uterus to swell and it will start to enlarge for the growing fetus immediately. The uterus puts pressure on your bladder making you feel the need for more frequent urination, many pregnant women may feel this after a week or two after pregnancy occurred. Feeling tired/sluggish; This one is pretty obvious. When pregnant your body is going through some major hormonal changes. HCG levels alone go from 0 – 250,000 mIU/ml in just twelve weeks. Missed period/light bleeding; Light bleeding (spotting) may occur approximately 8 – 10 days from ovulation. It usually happens around the same time you would have gotten your menstrual period. Dizziness; When standing in one place you may feel dizzy or even faint. The growing uterus compresses major arteries in your legs which causes your blood pressure to drop making you extremely light headed. Constipation; Pregnancy hormones will slow down bowel functions to give maximum absorption time of vitamins and nutrients. Unfortunately, this symptom usually only gets worse as the pregnancy progresses. Irritability; Raging hormones are the cause of this...along with having to put up with all the other symptoms. This symptom should decrease soon into the second trimester but until then, a healthy diet, moderate exercise and plenty of sleep should help the crabbiness somewhat. And last is Heartburn; The uterus is very swollen and starts to push upward as it grows. The increasing levels of HCG will also slow down digestion making your stomach not empty as fast which increases the stomach acid. And with those said you might know if she's starting her pregnancy and if that happens it means that the process is a success." She explained smiling to us at the end and we just nodded while deep inside me I'm already squealing in joy thinking about this soon to grow baby inside of me, tho it still hasn't worked yet but I'm still excited I can't wait!

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