A5kSetoloxTruelox's Dares

720 18 14

Seto: um turn brince to a girl

Ty: smoothie challenge

Jason: play fnaf 3 or 2

Brice: ;d why me man!!

Kate: *turns Brice into a girl* *dies laughing*

Seto: XD

Kate: *puts random stuff in a blender*

Seto: is that edible

Kate: *shrugs and pours two glasses*

Seto: you have to do it too!

Kate: NU

Seto: yes! *throws a cup at me*

Kate: Eww It got in my mouth!!! *runs in circles*

Seto: *drinks in* o-O

Brice: I'm scared


Brice: I'm not Brenda!!

Kate: yes you are!

Brice: *drinks it* >_< *goes and throws up somewhere*

Kate: Breanda didn't like it...btw I might have added a potion to it! *evil laugh*

Seto: you drank it too

Kate: it won't affect me!! MWAHAHAHAHAAA

Seto: o-o umm

((EDITING NOTE: I forgot the fnaf so ma friend Amber did dis part!!))
((:3 my friend Amber write dis!!))

Kate: FNAF TIME!! *dissapears*

Seto: Is the third game even out yet? o.o


Seto: So this is interesting, oh hellow man c:
So, let's check this lil camera, Oh my god he looks like a woman xD

(Time Lord)

Seto: Okay, so do I put on the mask now? Yes I do. And he's moving. And I beat Night One. Did I win yet?

Amber: I respected you Seto -_-

Seto: Who the frick are you?

Amber: DON'T ASK QUESTIONS. Anyway, my point is no you didn't win.

Kate: XD fail!!

Seto: ;d I give up *leaves*

Kate: Guess that's it...Seto left and BREANDA if probably throwing up...BAI peoples

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