Mmiissttiicc's Dare and Mason's (WritesyScrub's) Question

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Mmiissttiicc's Dare

I dare Admin to erase Seto's memory of Brice!!

Kate: *magically erases his memory*

Seto: *blinks* where am I

Brice: ;-; *hugs Seto*

Seto: AHHHHH!!! *punches him*

Brice: e-e ow

Seto: who are you?!

Brice: ;-; your husband

Seto: I don't know you!!

Brice: ._. I hate this!!

Kate: lololol

Sam: .3. Mum *pokes him*

Seto: *somehow remembers Sam* hi :)

Sam: yaaaay *hugs him*

Seto: ^3^

Brice: :d nuuuuuuuuuuu

Seto: don't yell!

Brice: *sighs* I hate life
WritesyScrub's Dare

Mason: yo since your dad is artsy and he takes pictures of things have you ever found any naughty pictures? Particularly of your mom?
Sam: Well first off I'm trying to suppress those memories, and second off why are you asking? Perv

Seto: naughty pictures of me? Who took them

Brice: me


Sam: ._. *gives Seto his memory back* mum no

Seto: huh? What's happenening *hugs Brice*

Brice: :3 Yaaay

Sam: BYE!! *walks off*

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